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Slay the Spire and its "family"

Slay the Spire (StS) has finally arrived to Android! For two years many of us dreamed for this legendary game to be accessible on their mobile devices, and finally the day has come. No need to talk about how awesome this game is, how it basically started a new genre of card-based dungeon crawlers (UPD: or roguelike deck-builders, if you prefer the term), and even about how well or poor it works on Android hardware in its current state (there will be lots of these posts during the days to come). What I wanted to talk about is the impact this game had on (specifically) mobile industry and how other developers were able to utilize this innovative formula in their own products.
Personally, I am somewhat glad that StS release was delayed that much. This allowed a lot of "clones" to be spawned, many of which I enjoyed playing. Some of them appear to be straight rip-offs, but others introduced many fresh ideas of their own, some even surpassing the predecessor's greatness. What the heck am I talking about and how is this even possible will be revealed to you, should you decide to stay on a bit and read through the article below.

General info

First and foremost, let's clarify the important thing: card based dungeon crawlers are not Collectible Card Games (CCGs). Even though they share the same ideas, and some of them (StS included) even have a feature to permanently improve starting cards, or a mode to play with pre-constructed decks, this is not the case for the genre in general. There is no place for multiplayer and PvP battles here: a turn-down for the most, but an undeniable advantage for the rest - only though-out puzzle-like single-player experience which we can pause at any moment and continue when the time is appropriate. Thus, there will never be troubles with downtime, matchmaking, ratings, overpowered builds and other PvP stuff, as there will never be a satisfaction of crushing your opponents with the power of your mighty intellect... The fun of discovering interesting synergies between various card combinations is still present, though.
With this being said, let's quickly look through the core features of the genre, which will be relevant for almost every game we review below: - we must explore a dungeon, which (usually, but not necessarily) consists of three floors with increasing difficulty; - we have limited control over the order in which to face the challenges; - there is a powerful boss in the end of each floor; - we battle using deck of cards, usually drawing new cards from deck to hand each turn; - there is a limitation on how many cards we can play during our turn; - we start with a weak basic deck, but get new cards as rewards for fighting enemies; - there is a possibility to permanently remove (weak) cards from the deck; - successful gameplay strategies revolve around utilizing the synergies between different cards; - there are several character classes, each with their own cards and tactics; - there are often additional items to acquire in the dungeon, providing bonuses and emphasizing specific types of play;
Before Slay the Spire (StS) came out, there was another card-based dungeon crawler called Dream Quest (DQ), which considered by many to be the first game of the genre (at least the first one to make a significant impact). Not sure if the former drew inspiration from the latter, but certain parallels can easily be drawn: in fact, all of the features mentioned in the list above are valid for DQ the same way as it is for StS. The rich plethora of card based dungeon crawlers (both PC/Console and mobile) originated from some combination of the two.
StS, however, can not be considered a clone of DQ, as it introduced a lot of original ideas and spawned its own line of descendants. It is always interesting to analyze each new title to see which of two games was the biggest inspiration, and to group them accordingly. For me the main criteria lies in the core difference in battle system: - in StS, enemies (usually multiple) show their intentions at the beginning of each turn, so we know what to expect and what to play against; - in DQ, the enemy (usually single) draws and plays cards the same way as we do, often using the same abilities and synergies we ourselves can use.
Introductions aside, let's finally get to the interesting part - the games! (Note: Games are listed in alphabetical order to not give any privileges to one over another. For my personal preferences see the comment section).

Dream Quest clones

Call of Lophis takes us on a grim journey through infested lands full of deadly monsters, dangerous traps, and one of the most ridiculous card art I have ever seen. It's surprising to see how dark fantasy elements combine with the humor and gags this game presents. From the gameplay point of view, there is enough card variety and interesting synergies, but it will take a long time to reach the interesting parts. Really: this game just does not know when to end, forcing new and new dungeon locations onto us with basically the same monsters and same approaches to dealing with them over and over. Its the boss battles which crank the difficulty up to over 9000, and if we don't have the right deck by the time we reach them, there is nothing we can do to pull it off. Plus there is some shady business going on with monetization schemes, where even paid version of the game makes us spend money to unlock additional classes and grind a lot to buy permanent improvements. Only truly dedicated players will be interested in dealing with all this nonsense. [...] UPD: Haven't checked on it for a long time - maybe the situation improved somehow.
Crimson Deep is still in early alpha and was not updated for a long time. But the development hasn't stopped, and there is a new major release approaching in the nearest future. It makes no sense to talk about the game till then: the version in the store is too raw to provide any significant gameplay experience, but it would be interesting to see where it goes in the end.
Dimension of Dream is probably the only game that has the same grid-based dungeon layout as DQ itself. This time with full 3D and a possibility to fight only limited set of enemies before facing the final boss (which allows to moderate difficulty as we go, either defeating tougher enemies with better rewards, or to save HP and fight only the easy ones). This game has one of the most interesting battle systems and 6 truly unique classes with deep complex strategies unlike anything we have ever seen (not only the cards themselves, but the order in which we play them greatly affects the outcome). Unfortunately, the English version was pulled from Google Play, leaving only Chinese version for Asian people to enjoy. UPD: Apparently, the game was re-released under different publisher with the title Dreaming Dimension, so there you have it. [...]
Meteorfall: Journeys offers the streamlined approach to dungeon crawling, where all our decisions boil down to Reigns-like "swipe left / swipe right" operation: picking the path, encounter resolutions, and even battles are simplified to utilize this binary choice mechanic. But don't worry: these specifics do not affect the gameplay, still providing enough strategic depth to appeal even to hardcore players. Add here a neat visual style, lots of character classes and their variations, cool card combos, and you get a true masterpiece, which is Meteorfall. [...]
Night of the Full Moon offers a fresh take on a fairy tale of Red Riding Hood, but adding darker elements to it (including werewolves, zombies, mad scientists and cursed cultists). It demonstrates an amazing production quality with top-tier art, beautiful audio support, and intriguing storytelling. Gameplay wise, we have the closest thing to DQ, safe for the grid-based dungeon maps, which were changed to just picking the encounter out of available three. Some people may argue that the game does not offer enough strategic variety, only suggesting a single best build for each class, but you will still get different runs due to the randomness of card and power-up drops. Another argument of it being too easy is completely nullified on higher difficulty levels. Wish the story would develop in a different direction, though. [...]
Spellsword Cards: Origins provides the gameplay similar to the Night of the Full moon, but focuses more on role-playing character development part. Aside from choosing a class, we also get to pick race with unique traits, and a school of magic, greatly affecting which cards will be available to us during the run. The problem here, though, is that monster encounters do not demonstrate a lot of variety, forcing us to fight the same enemies over and over, and the difficulty is rather high, with starting cards doing almost nothing and enemies quickly run out of hand with their devastating attacks, whereas good cards are hard to come by, and even then you will still be devastated on later stages. [...] UPD: Or maybe I am just bad at this game (welcome to comment section for valid strategy suggestions).

Slay the Spire clones

Blood Card offers a unique possibility to construct the dungeon ourselves, providing a pool of encounters of different types: regular monsters, elite monsters, events and shops. We pick a desired encounter from the pool, deal with it and then move on to the next one. Another interesting feature is that our health is defined by the number of cards in draw pile, which limits our tactical possibilities, but is compensated by the fact that we get multiple copies of cards as rewards for fighting enemies. There are a lot of interesting mechanics related to moving cards between various piles, as well as other neat features (like: the Death inevitably arrives in three turns and starts whacking everyone on the field with increasing persistence), but I'll leave them for you to discover on your own.
Card Crusade seemed like a cool idea of mixing classic "roguelike" dungeon crawling with its "deck-based" counterpart, where we explore the dungeon the same way as we do it in Hack, Angband, Pixel Dungeon and other similar games, but use cards to fight actual enemies. In reality though, this implementation just adds a useless abstraction, as the adventuring does not provide any tactical benefits and is only there to inter-connect battle sequences (heck, even breaking pots and chests does not give us any coin, of which developers themselves warn us at the very beginning!). The cards are not very interesting, with next to none cool synergies, and new classes (which should be unlocked by performing specific actions on previous runs) do not provide any major difference. [...]
Card Quest takes us on an epic journey through fantasy lands, where we will perform great deeds as one of the classic RPG hero classes (fighter, wizard, rogue, ranger), each with their own equipment and fighting disciplines. The interesting part is that the cards we use during runs are defined by said equipment, and if we find some new pieces during our adventure, we get to keep them for further runs. Also worth noting that defense cards are played not during our turn, but during enemy turn, which requires us to plan ahead a bit. This being said, the game is extremely hard - it will take a lot of unsuccessful tries to finally reach the end. But the variety of dungeons and possible builds will keep us occupied for long.
Dungeon Tales for a long time was the closest, yet simplified copy of StS mechanics (up to similar cards and gaming strategies), but without certain elaborate features, like upgrading cards or using potions. The basics are left intact though: we still build our deck along the way and face the powerful boss in the end. There are only two characters available yet, but each has a couple of viable builds, so it can keep us invested for quite some time. [...]
Endless Abyss is a close StS clone with very similar character classes (only two so far) and a lot of cards with exactly the same effects. Graphically the game looks very good, but angry monetization, lots of grinding, and forced ads make it almost impossible to fully enjoy. [...]
Heroes of Abyss is a predecessor to Endless Abyss with basically the same core gameplay, but very simplified dungeon crawling part. There is no floor map with choosing our path, nor there are elaborate adventure events: just a series of battles with the boss in the end. The spoils we get after each battle go into improving our starting deck and unlocking new difficulty modes with higher rewards. What makes the game unusual, is that we chose the preferred build right from the beginning with appropriate set of starting cards, without the need to rely on the randomness of card drops. It may be interesting to unlock and compare all the 6 available builds, but once the task is done, there is almost no reason to play the game further.
Heroes Journey provides a different setting for a change: this time we will play as space explorers, who crash landed on an alien planet. Thus, instead of familiar swords and bows, we will be wielding blasters and energy shields: the rest remains the same, up to the majority of cards straight up copied from StS. Unfortunately, this innovative idea was completely ruined by repetitive grinding and angry monetization, forcing player to make dozens of identical runs with the same small card pool, until something adequate is unlocked. Oh, and the game is long abandoned by the developers.
Pirates Outlaws is an amazing rework of original StS ideas in a pirate setting with some changes to gameplay mechanics, such as introducing persistent charges needed to play certain cards, and different buff/debuff statuses that replace each other. There are also some questionable features, such as ship stamina that deteriorates over the course of the journey and leads to game over if not repaired in time, or a quest system, where quests can not be completed in parallel, but instead picking the new quest resets your progress in the current one. Some may also argue that new classes take long to grind for, or expensive to pay for, but with permanent booster pack this should not be a problem. Anyway, the game is highly recommended for any StS fan. [...]
Rogue Adventure offers a twist to usual mechanic: our hand is limited by 4 cards, but each time we use one of them, a new card is immediately drawn to its place, thus we never run out of cards to play. Non-starting cards are common for all classes, but are grouped by type (or race), giving huge synergies depending on how many similar cards we have. Aside from this, the game offers diverse gameplay by providing a lot of different classes, each with its own unique strategies and dynamics, and some interesting items to work around. The developers constantly provide updates with bug fixes and new content, but be warned that new mechanics may break what you are already accustomed for.
Royal Booty Quest started as a straight rip-off from StS with the same classes and abilities, and even cards having the same names. And absolutely atrocious pixelated visuals, which were not possible to look at without eyes bleeding out. Over time, though, it developed its own unique mechanics and interesting card combinations, but the art style did not get any better. However, if this is not a problem, the game is enjoyable to an extent, but since it was not updated for a long time, I doubt it will keeps anyone's interest for long. [...]
Tavern Rumble adds an unusual strategic element - a 3x3 grid, on each units and enemies are placed. The core gameplay remains the same (we still see what opponents are planning to do each turn and adjust our own strategy accordingly), but the addition of the grid introduces another tactical layer: not only we should maximize the damage output, but also plan the layout for our troops to provide the effective delivery of said output, while at the same time establish enough defense to minimize the damage to ourselves. There are a lot of cards and classes to play around, different play modes and a lot of features that are still being constantly added to the game. Some may argue about simplistic pixel graphics or long repetitive grinding, but it is easy to unlock everything within reasonable amount of time, even without paying. [...]

Other Games

Of course, my criteria does not work 100% of the time, as some games are way too different from anything else to confidently enroll them into one of the categories. They either demonstrate traits of both, or implement entirely unique mechanics of their own (which I like the most), while still maintaining the basic dungeon crawling ideas (so a lot of the games you might think of will not end up in the list). What I have in mind is the following:
Dungeon Reels removes the cards from card-based dungeon crawler - why bother, right? Instead, it provides some kind of a slot machine, where each turn three rows spin independently to pick available actions based on what slots we have in our reel. Winning battles awards us with new, better slots to add, each with their own specifics and synergies. Enemies also randomize their moves with slots of their own, but the most satisfying mechanic is the possibility to spin a jackpot with three identical slots for some powerful effect. It is interesting to see this concept developed further, but the game has not been updated for a long time.
Iris and the Giant takes us on journey through imaginary world, inspired by Ancient Greek mythology. Each battle takes place on a grid, where various enemies advance in huge numbers. We play a card from our hand, usually dealing damage to nearest enemy, and then everyone who is still standing and can reach us deals damage in return. There are cards that target multiple enemies at once, as well as ways to play more than one card during our turn, so most of the time we will be deciding which card to play at which moment. The deck has limited size, and if it becomes empty we lose, so new cards should be constantly acquired. There are a lot of interesting mechanics to discover, but the game is very hard and luck based, requiring a lot of trial-and-error to finally reach the end. [...]
Phantom Rose Scarlet has the same basic core, but with completely innovative battle system, not seen in any other game. On each turn there are four positions for cards to be played in strict order, where two of them are randomly filled with opponent's cards, and the remaining two are left for us to fill. Instead of drawing the hand, we have our entire deck available right away, but playing cards puts them on a cooldown, which does not reset between battles, so we constantly face the strategic choice of playing our best cards right away or keep them for later. The game is in active development, providing new mechanics and further developing the story, which is quite captivating here. [...]
Void Tyrant is a bit of a stretch, but still a "card based dungeon crawler", in which we basically play BlackJack against our enemies by dealing card with numbers from 1 to 6 one-by-one from our deck until we stand or bust. Whoever has the highest value wins and deals damage to the loser. There are various supporting cards on top of this mechanic, allowing us to either jinx the outcome in our favor, or to perform various other metagame manipulations. The only downside of the game is the lack of content, as it quickly runs out of interesting things, and since it was not updated for a long time, it is unlikely that anything new will be added in the future. [...]


As you see, there is a lot to play besides StS, so even if you are not hyped by its long-awaited Android release, but appreciate a good intellectual dungeon crawler, you will find something to suit your needs. I hope, even with StS release, new games of the genre will continue appearing on mobile phones, and I will gladly review them and add to the list. If you know any hidden gems (or even trash) that was not highlighted in this article, please share the names and/or links in the comments. I am also open to any discussions on the topic, as I am obviously able to talk a lot about my favorite genre.
Good luck to everyone in all your endeavors.
P.S. I am well aware of games like Dungeon Cards, Card Adventure, Dungeon Faster, Meteorfall: Krumitz Tale, Card Thief, Maze Machina, Cube Card, Card Hog, Fisherman, Relics of the Fallen and other "grid-based puzzles", but do not consider them to be a part of the "family".
submitted by Exotic-Ad-853 to AndroidGaming [link] [comments]

[Mobile Gaming] How the Nyan Cat led to the death knell for a popular mobile game- the downfall of RWBY Amity Arena.

Note: Many of the links are to the Amity Arena Library, a website devoted to the game which includes tracking the history of it through patchnotes and a running history of what cards entered and left the meta. Their website was a valuable resource for this post.
Mobile gaming has taken off like a wildfire since the advent of the smartphone boosted the average processing power a phone could carry. Initially it took the form of crossing over older, more easily runnable games onto the mobile market to... mixed success, but in recent years we've seen both the West and East use mobile gaming to replace the old fashioned movie tie in game. It's easily accessable, has a much wider reach than consoles or PC, you can take it on the go and standards are inherently lower for mobile games than they are a full 60 dollar game.
Since the 2010s, mobile gaming has shifted to what's called the "Freemium" module. The game itself is free to download and start playing, but is insideously designed with obnoxious paywalls or artificial limiters put in place to limit how much you can play each day. If the game is part of a pre-existing franchise, additional money can be made through a premium currency or a chance to obtain high-powered units by rolling a slot machine random chance mechanic. And thus, gacha gaming was born. This sub has had several threads in the past on high profile gacha games, such as the monolithic Fate Grand/Order, Pokemon Go or Genshin Impact. One of the more popular things to roll for in gachas as a consequence is wallpapers for your homescreen, especially for high-grade units as they're usually animated to move a little bit on the homescreen. Today we're looking a low to mid-tier gacha game that rose and fell with the advent of one catgirl. Let's talk RWBY.
RWBY is an online web anime made by Rooster Teeth focusing on four prospective monster hunters who get embroiled in a world-spanning shadow war. It's of debatable quality in matters of animation, combat, voice acting, story, worldbuilding, romance, and it's kind of a little racist if I'm being honest, but one of the major positives of RWBY is that the series tends to have good character design. Series creator Monty Oum set in the guidelines for the show while making it that most if not every design should be made to be cosplay friendly, hence why most of the outfits have things most costume designers haven't heard of like... pockets. And Rooster Teeth, above all else, likes making money. So they know people like RWBY's character designs, enough so that in 2017 plans were made to release a gacha game themed around RWBY called Amity Arena, which would be developed by Korean company NHN Entertainment.
Amity Arena is a PvP tower defense game. Each player controls two turrets and a tower and has three minutes to use units themed from the show to destroy the other player's structures. Whoever took out more wins, destroying a tower is an instant victory. When the game launched, it had three tiers for units- Common (generally held for mooks or low-tier characters in the show), Rare (roughly protagonist-level or elite mooks go here) and Epic (High tier characters usually with an active ability that did lots of damage or stopped enemies in their tracks). The game launched in October 2018 to generally positive reviews from both mobile game players and RWBY fans alike. Fans were happy to get a lot of new official art for the characters in the game and the base gameplay loop was fun. Criticism at the time was largely themed around the lack of content besides PVP matches and some issues with the meta but overall, the launch went well. Each month, the developers would add new units, including popular characters like Neopolitian, Cinder Fall, Zwei the dog, and more.
But everything changed with February 20th 2019, which introduced Neon Katt, the titular catgirl (RWBY characters are themed around fairytales, except for Neon, who is themed around Nyan Cat, and her partner Flynt Coal, who is themed off a potentially racist joke made by Rooster Teeth).
Neon is a character from RWBY Volume 3 who's part of a team that RWBY face during a tournament arc. Her partner, Flynt Coal, was part of the game at launch, and Neon would join him a few months later. Neon in the show is a cocky fighter who taunts the heroes and zips around on rollarskates, which in-game is represented by Neon skating towards the nearest enemy structure to her and hitting it, while all units within a radius of Neon are taunted and provoked into attacking her above all other targets unless they-selves are coded to hit structures. On its own, not a bad idea for a unit, but Neon came with four big caveats:
From the word go, Neon is an unpopular unit; she's clearly overbalanced and elements such as the Disco Bear glitch have players thinking she'll have to get knocked down in a nerf- she'll either be made slower, more expensive, or able to die pre-hitting a structure, right?
Neon doesn't show up in the next patch. Instead, before she's fixed, an entire new class of units called Legendaries are introduced, and this is where the game goes full gacha. Legendaries were meant to represent the highest tier characters in the game, the ones who were either the most popular characters or the highest-tier fighters in the show. Or in some cases, the popular ships such as combo cards for White Rose (Ruby/Weiss), Bumblebee (Blake/Yang) and Flower Power (Ren/Nora). Legendaries, representing their value, were impossibly rare and had an infinitely small chance of actually appearing (The most reliable method was to buy the premium chests and hope you'd roll a Legendary, which often cost tons of money), and if you did get one, there was no way to guess which Legendary you'd actually get. Some such as White Rose and Adam were high tier units, others like Hazel or Checkmate were... kinda broken at launch. The playerbase isn't happy at this, especially as free to play players are left out in the cold and reliant on the game giving them high tier units effectively out of pity.
Neon would get a small nerf in the April patch which lessened her taunt range and killed the Disco Bear meta, but her invincibility would be left untouched, even as players submitted feedback regarding how to make it more efficient. The official Amity Arena discord has a weekly feedback section on Tuesdays where players could submit up to four suggestions on how to nerf/buff units and general requests for quality of life such as "Can this character get a new skin from this part of the show," or "Can we have an option to lower music volume that's not just muting all music?" (they never did add that second request) Neon would then remain in this state until the November patch, despite constant weekly requests for a Neon rework, and all it would do is make Neon functionally mortal, in that she had a flat shield bar of 20 that would be lowered by one for each attack before the next hit would kill her. Neon could now die... but your chances of actually doing enough damage to stop her were slim, and regardless, you were now at a serious Aura defecit.
It took seven months for this one unit to get a substantial nerf, all while the game added new units every week and the number of units being affected by patches each month began to gradually sink. To round up some of the major issues people had with Amity that developed throughout 2019 alongside Neon's general existance making life hell:
Unfortunately, the Novemember patch did little to stop the problems with Neon, and a new problem would rear its head for Christmas: Jinn. This unit embodied many of the problems players had: She was a Legendary so it would be hard for free players to get her, and only added to the sheer number of Legendaries that were out there. She was another structure card, and she was horrifically broken. Stopping time for seven seconds in an area around any friendly units, Jinn broke the game overnight, with players horrified at how little playtesting she'd clearly had. Most chip units now couldn't damage structures as Jinn simply could stop time and freeze the turret for the duration of the attack. And to make matters worse? She cost two Aura, meaning it was very easy to cycle a deck and start Jinn spamming.
And yet at two aura she was still one of the only cost-efficient Neon counters... until they patched her to be worth three Aura instead. Talking of the feline menace, January saw Neon get a HP nerf that set her shield at 14. Finally, Neon could be realistically be taken out, still at an Aura defecit but at least it can be countered and now they just have to raise her Aura- why are you buffing her game?
Less than a month later, Neon got, of all things, a buff. Her HP shield was set at 20, and her attacks now did double damage. This is around the point where a lot of players begin to suspect the developers aren't listening to feedback and more long-term players dip out or drop the game. Neon got touched one more time in April, which slowed her down (which itself was a problem as Neon's lessened speed on spawn simply made her better at generating aggro), she dealt 10% less damage and made it somewhat easier to hit her enough to kill her, but a new problem was on the horizon. Because Neon was now no longer the game's White Whale for patches.
Meet the White Fang Gunner Barracks. Added in September 2019, the Barracks fell under many player's radar simply because they were horrifically undertuned. Their gimmick was that every few seconds, a White Fang Gunner would spawn, with three spawning on death. In April, as Neon got her last appearance in the patches, the Barracks got a huge buff and became the centerpiece of the meta; they now spawned two Gunners, which made them immensely valuable for just five Aura. You could overwhelm many anti-swarm units before they had a chance, and shred your way through turrets.
The Barracks would then go six months before this overtuning was rectified, barring one nerf in August that lowered their health to try and stem the tide of units. To sum up every other thing that went wrong during the year meta-wise:
As OctobeNovember comes in, the players are getting more and more furious. The weekly feedback includes a near constant demand for an acknowledgement from the developers given how often it feels like the feedback is being ignored. The social media team get caught several times hyping up how the coming patch would address player concerns, only for said patch to lack those units. The meta has been locked down to the Xiong Family, Flynt, Launcher Nora, Spider-Mines and the hell-cat herself in Neon. Everyone runs at least one of these, people run meta decks not because they want to, but because it's the only way to have a chance of victory.
And then in December, things implode. The patch for the month was set to launch on December 10th with the monthly event missions. But when the clock rolls around, the event missions (which usually take about two weeks to do if you're doing as many as you can a day)... has a six day timer. And the update doesn't come out. The art team doesn't release new unit art. The shop has no special timed bundles. There's no patch notes. And then the Twitter team who've been hard carrying the game through... actually talking to the players and acknowledging the grievances they have... admitted that they don't know what's going on either. The best guess is that the devs have come down with Covid, but no statements to confirm or deny this leave it as guesswork. The timer eventually got reset and people could do the event, but then on Christmas itself, another issue.
Ruby has appeared in the plaza on Halloween (her canonical birthday) and Christmas, and if you go talk to her you get free stuff. But on Christmas people, people discovered that Ruby was talking as if you'd already talked to her. Because they hadn't updated Ruby yet for 2020. She still thought it was 2019 so if you'd talked to her then for goodies, she had none now. They patched it eventually but a lot of people didn't see this fix before the timer ran out to get the free stuff.
Some have resorted to memes to cope with the fact that the game just seems to have died out of the blue. Others have been trying to desperately rally the players and find a way to save it. Some resorted to friendly mockery of the whales who'd spent thousands on a game that seems to be dying (seriously though gacha games need to curb this shit but they won't because whales are godsends for their bank balances).
If the game doesn't get an update in January then two months without new content will mark the end, and the already significant playercount drops will only increase. And it's hard to say if any one thing could have turned Amity Arena's fate around beyond just "Have a better balancing team who can respond better to feedback." Neon began the time of death, but by the time December rolled around the meta was in a horrifically toxic place where if you wanted to make any progession, you had to get down and dirty with the pigs. The team just constantly failed to balance problem units outside of their emergency hotfixes of Jinn, and more often then not they went after units and buffed or nerfed them at random going off playcounts to determine what needed fixing instead of the actual written feedback they were getting. It's clear from the references to the show and some of the attempts to reach out to the community that at least one person in the team genuinely wanted to make the good appealing to RWBY fans, but somewhere during the game's lifespan, they lost their way. Less focus needed to be put on how to milk the players, and instead focusing on making a game sustainable and enjoyable enough to warrant the cosmetics and emotes. The game's failure ultimately isn't on the playerbase. It's on the people who were actually making the game who chose to slack off because they thought it acceptable to do so.
Thanks for reading.
Had I waited one more day, my story would have had a far more sudden ending, as the game just announced its shutdown for January.
submitted by GoneRampant1 to HobbyDrama [link] [comments]

Cyberpunk Tips and Tricks

I have read dozens of these threads for dozens of games over the years but never bothered to write one myself. Nothing especially exciting is coming up on Google for Cyberpunk yet, so I figured I might as well give back to the community, so to speak. So, here are a list of tips and tricks for new players. Many of these may not stay true as CDPR patches the game but they're up to date as of 1.06.
If you have stuff I missed, throw it in the comments and I'll try to edit it in. And if I'm wrong, correct me! I'm not an expert, just a fan. Some of this stuff is a matter of opinion, playing "optimally" is a bias of mine that not everyone may share. You may want to beat the whole game hacking everything in sight with 5 intelligence (good luck lol). This is just as valid a playstyle as being a min-maxing degenerate like me, the point is to have fun :)
- The game files tell you that you get an attribute point every three levels. This is a damn lie. You get one every level. By level 50, which you can attain well before beating the game, you can raise three stats to 20 with 4 points left over.
- You can have an attribute up to 20 by level 15. Game's level cap is 50.
-Body and Technical Ability both let you open doors. DIFFERENT doors. It's rare that they'll both work on the same door. If you wanna open every door, you should max 'em both out. That said, this is mostly just for bonus loot, so it's not mandatory.
- Every attribute has perks enough for a viable build, though technical ability can be rough going. You should consider leveling one skill to 20 before you start leveling another because the high level perks in many of these trees are bonkers. The two exceptions to this are "Breach Protocol" under intelligence and "Crafting" under technical ability. Good, but not necessarily your best first priority.
For example, at the end of the blades tree is a perk that makes you do double damage to enemies with full health (at rank 3) and another perk that increases the damage you do by 3% per 1% health the enemy is missing. So assuming it works as described (big if, lol) if you take 50% of an enemy's health off with your opening strike, you'll do 150% bonus damage. Throw in the bleeding effects and you'll be ginsu knifing your way to victory in no time.
- Attribute pairings: Some attributes have a bunch of synergies. For example, Cool synergizes well with Reflex for blades, sniper or silent pistol builds. Cool also synergizes relatively well with Quickhacking. Technical Ability pairs well with Reflex because the engineering tree buffs smart weapons and tech weapons - though there are some tech shotguns, which pair with Body, most guns are buffed by the Reflex trees.
Comparatively, Technical Ability has less to offer a melee build - stealth melee should be Reflex and Cool, while 'charge TF in' melee benefits from Body and Reflex.
- If you want to craft, you need to raise technical ability to 18 for best effect. If you want to use tech weapons, take it to 20. Quickhacks are crafted in their own tree, and are not a part of normal crafting.
- Not much advice here overall because it's mostly a matter of playstyle. You wanna have a dude with 13 in every attribute? They'll be a great all-rounder. Wanna specialize? You'll get some outrageous power perks.
Skills + Perks:
- Skills level as you use them although Athletics is currently really hard to level apart from some buggy stuff. The other slightly counter-intuitive skill to level is engineering which levels when you deactivate cameras manually, need to be standing very close to them. You can also level it by firing tech weapons through walls and by using grenades.
- Perks level as you put points into them. You get one perk point whenever you level up. You get perk points as you level skills (7 per skill tree, if you get it high enough). edit: Crafting, Breach & Quickhacking have 6 for some reason.
There are also a number of 'perk shards' that give you free perks.
- To buy a perk, you need to have a high enough level in the associated attribute. All skill trees have at least one perk that requires 20 in the associated attribute (Body, Reflex, etc). Sometimes that perk is just ok, but sometimes it's bonkers powerful. Take the time to read the trees. Basically all builds are viable right now so I don't have any "best" build tips, just level one attribute to 20 and then figure out which one you wanna do next.
- Skills cannot level past their associated attribute. For example, Blades is in the Reflex tree. If you have Reflex 4, it doesn't matter if you vivisect every enemy in the game, you will level to blades 4 and stop there until you raise Reflex to 5. This is one of the reasons it makes sense to level an attribute to 20 ASAP. Keep an eye on the skills you wanna use all game - if they stop gaining experience, you need to bump the attribute.
-Leveling skills will reward you with bonuses. Sometimes the bonus makes you better at the skill (for example, reducing recoil on a kind of gun). But each skill tree has (afaik) 7 "bonus" perks in it. This means that there are more total perks available to characters who level Body and Reflex (which each have three associated skills) as opposed to other attributes (which only have 2).
- Every tree has some ridiculous skills that are must-have, and some that are useless. One or two are even actively harmful, like the one that automatically disassembles junk. Some junk sells for 750 ED, so scrapping it automatically robs you. Avoid that perk (it's in Crafting).
edit: Matter of opinion. There's a lot of junk in this game and if you're speccing into crafting, you can easily make money, so taking the 'scrap all junk' perk can save some time. Ultimately the only junk you need to scrap is the cans you buy from vending machines, which (with the current UI) is the fastest way apart from using the perk. Your mileage may vary.
-If you read through the skills it's pretty obvious which ones are awesome; usually it's a huge buff to damage or crit chance. They give out crit chance like candy in this game.
- It's worth making sure that your primary combat skill (pistols, blades, etc) is always capped - so if you have 10 reflex, you should have 10 in blades. This way you'll get the most from the perk system, but also have 'best' fighting style at your disposal. The game gives you all these great playstyles but in my experience, if you don't level them, they become progressively less useful.
- You can respec perks for 100,000 ED. This will not reset your attributes. 100,000 ED will always be a stupid amount of money. You're better off just farming up some more perk points and spending them.
- There is always an ultimate perk unlocked when you reach 20 in the skill (need 20 in the attribute first). These are enigmatic and poorly worded. To be clear, they give you an up front buff of varying quality. Then you can keep putting points in them generally for a 1% buff. I haven't doubled checked all of them, but after that first rank, it's highly unlikely you'd ever want to put another point into them.
- Cold blood makes you good at everything, a little bit. It's in Cool, so it's most efficient to pair it with pistol sneak or blade sneak, but really you can go hog wild. It has some preposterous bonuses.
- You will never need to swim underwater AFAIK so ignore that perk.
- All builds are viable and so are all weapons. Still, I think they put shotguns and lmgs in the same tree because the range on shotguns isn't optimal and they are not sneaky weapons. I'd carry one of both, and I also carried a pistol, a sniper rifle and an assault rifle on my Reflex build, though this spread me a little thin.
- Weapons come in a tiered system: common (grey) uncommon (green), rare (blue), epic (purple) and legendary (orange.) Wonder if they'll pay Blizzard royalties. If anyone will, really.
- There are also iconic weapons. They can usually be upgraded to legendary, but not always (RIP Lizzie pistol). This costs a lot of mats. But not as much as upgrading a level 40 gun to a level 41 gun.
- Using crafting to upgrade weapons is so expensive / tedious that you should just craft new weapons instead. You should also keep your Iconic weapons at the rarity you find them, and upgrade them to level 50 at the lowest possible rarity, to save on mats.
- You can have three weapons (plus unarmed / gorilla arms) equipped at once.
- Power weapons can ricochet and are most common. Tech weapons can charge and shoot through walls. They discharge automatically at full charge until you get an engineering perk to fix that. This makes them WAY more useful.
- Smart weapons paint dots on a target and then they'll hit the target. The dots (little and red) need to appear before you start firing. If they do, the bullets may even hit around corners or cover. If you don't, the bullets are wasted.
- You can craft ammo. The carry limit is high, 400 pistol, 700 rifle, 100 snipeshotgun on PS4 according to u/Eggtastic_Taco, I thought I'd had 500 pistol ammo on PC before but IDK.
- Weapons can be modded. Replacing a mod destroys it. Scrapping a weapon destroys the mod unless you have a perk (from crafting.) The perk is worth it. Modding weapons is generally worth it. I wouldn't bother putting a silencer on a pistol.
edit: As withoutapaddle points out, silencers are awesome if you are speccing into them, generally with a Reflex / Cool build focused around pistols. You can easily overcome the damage debuff, especially with the rare silencer, where the debuff is only 15%.
- There's no transmog so you're gonna look ridiculous until endgame, and maybe then too.
- Armor seemed to me like it made little difference til I passed 4000 armor, at which point I became an unkillable tank. Main appeal of crafting, IMO.
- But mods can make a big difference by buffing critical damage, critical chance, etc. Also plenty of useless mods (breathe underwater longer).
- You can pick up resistance to damage types, and even immunity, from item mods - but also from certain perks and cyberware.
- Armor can be iconic too, though far less often. Same advice from iconic weapons applies.
- Not much to say here - use breach protocol to debuff enemies and make quickhacks cheaper. Many quickhacks are non lethal.
- Quickhacking costs RAM. It recharges out of combat, and in combat with the right perk.
- The game teaches you this in an optional tutorial but it is VERY important: you can quickhack people while seeing them through cameras. And when you do, they can't do a damn thing about it. They can't detect you unless they see you IRL. So hack a camera from across the street, cycle through their camera network killin' em all. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
- When you craft an item, it randomly has mods (or maybe none) and randomly has mod slots. Far as I can tell, 4 is the maximum number of mod slots. Mods are fairly easy to come by, and some of them are ludicrously OP (Can find 6 15% crit chance mods and have 100% effective crit, I think).
- But they're random! So you may need to craft and recraft those legendary pants until you get one with 4 mod slots. edit: max 4 for torso slots, max 3 for everything else
- Crafting in general is broken in good ways and bad. The main tip is that you can scrap drinks, but not food, for some reason. So go to every drink machine you see and buy them out of drinks (10 ED a drink). Then scrap all the drinks for common and uncommon components. Craft a bunch of uncommon sniper rifles, sell them to a merchant, repeat til you're at 20 crafting. Good way to make money too.
- As mentioned above, upgrading things is expensive as hell, though at higher levels it also gives you huge chunks of crafting XP all at once.
edit: When you upgrade an iconic item, it seems to reset the cost of components to upgrade it again, and as a bonus, raises it to one level below yours. So if you don't want to farm mats forever, consider waiting til you're level 50 before raising your Iconic gear to Legendary status. Then you'll only need to upgrade it once.
- Items can only be crafted one at a time but you can edit a config file to make that happen instantly. This'll get patched, I hope.
- There are crafting specs scattered through the world. The best ones are usually free from drops but you might buy one for a niche build.
Here's a mod table, h/t to u/theherrhuml

Work and Stack Armadillo, Backpacker, Osmosis, Plume
Work but Don't Stack Fortuna, Bully
Work Coolit, Antivenom, Superinsulator - not for EMP, Panacea
Don't Work Deadeye, Predator, Resist, Zero Drag
- It'll make you a beast. It's the main use for 'street cred', too, a system that barely needs explaining. Kill dudes, get street cred, unlock new Cyberware. Other stuff too but mostly pretty pointless by comparison. The best cyberware requires 49 street cred; the cap is 50.
- The wrist mounted missile launcher is sick but it also seems to disable the use of grenades (mapped to the same hotkey on my controller anyway). The missiles, however, are bottomless.
edit: Probably my biggest error here. I thought my grenade option had disappeared, but you can switch grenades into the slot if you want. If I'm understanding u/theherrhuml correctly, this means you can't use both at once? IDK.
- Slowing time is very handy. The synaptic accelerator does it when you are spotted by an enemy. A must for sneak builds. Sandevistan slows time when activated. Mostly useful for combat but you can also rush right past enemies (but be aware that slow time means doors open slow too). There's also Kereznikov, which slows time when you dodge, slide or do some other stuff idk man, I forget. Obvious combat applications.
- Your initial cyberware lets you hack. The cyberware in the OS slot, to be specific. If you replace it with a Sandevistan model, or a Berserk, you will lose the ability to hack. The game does a very poor job of warning you of this. It SUCKS to suddenly not be able to turn off cameras by hacking them.
- Cyberware has mod slots. Maybe this explain this at one point but it's easy to forget. You'll find lots of cyberware mods in any case.
- If you're using quickhacking, most quickhacks have to be equipped in your deck, which goes in the OS slot. They have their own parallel crafting system which is under Intelligence. They'll make you a cybergod among men.
- Overall cyberware is meant to compliment your build. Wanna do blades? Mantis blades go in the arm slot. Wanna hack? Buy the best OS. Don't care about hacking? Stick a Sandevistan or Berserk in there and shoot / chop your enemies to bits. The monowire, counter-intuitively, is a 'blunt' weapon and benefits from the associated perks, as well as being buffed by cool.
- Double jump, or charge jump, are mandatory. Why wouldn't you want the high ground, as Ben Kenobi taught us?
- Like I said, it compliments your playstyle, so it also gates the best cyberware behind attribute requirements. 20 body nets you an implant that gives +60% health, which is huge. You'll never be able to equip all the "best" cyberware, but you'll have what's best for your build.
- Every ripperdoc has a specialty, but they don't always have their legendary quality item. This is kinda annoying because it's one of a number of easter egg hunts they implement for buying stuff, real MMO tier game design. I have the money, gimme the damn thing. Anyway, check the internet for guides on where to buy legendary cyberware.
Questing + Side Content
- Personally I'd recommend finishing all the side content in Watson (the first area, in which you are trapped) before proceeding to Konpecki (you'll know when you know.) This gives you a lot of tools in your toolbox for a pretty challenging series of missions, and give you lots of practice playing the game .- Alternatively, there's little punishment for burning through all the story content up to the final mission, and in fact, no real punishment for beating the final mission as soon as it's available. The game just drops you right back before the final mission, so that you can unlock the other endings. Up to you.
edit: A certain Hollywood actor shows up to make commentary on your quests once you finish Act 1, including quests in Watson. So depending on how thirsty for Keanu you are, consider holding off on doing sidequests in Watson until after Act 1.
- Like the Witcher, the story quests are worth way more experience, so if you're in a hurry to level then get after it.
- If you bought this game because of the political dimensions of Cyberpunk then READ THE SHARDS. All of them. Great stuff in there. If you bought it for pew pew lasers, then only read the shards with smutty titles, they're funny.
- The level design's pretty good. Often I'll finish a dungeon only to notice that there was a sneaky back way in that I never even noticed because I didn't bother looking. Of course, with double jump, you can usually make your OWN way in.
- Overall, the level design combined with the shards made even clearing reported crimes fun for me all the way through to endgame. I highly recommend doing most of the sidequests ( hear racing sucks which checks out because driving sucks ). Also clear all the organized crime bosses because they drop awesome loot.
- You can get a free Caliburn, one of the game's fastest cars, in the Badlands, hard to explain so just google the video.- Fixers will text you about cars they have for sale. This sucks. The cars then show up as quest markers. This also sucks. You do not need to buy all the cars (could be fun to do so), any one car will suffice.
- Motorcycles are great. They can ride in the gutters or down the center line of roads, totally ignoring traffic.
- If you park your car in the road it creates a traffic jam.
- Look both ways before you cross the street.
- You can steal cars but there's not much reason to since you can call your own car to your location.
- Some missions require you not kill anyone. You can easily get an implant mod that makes all your weapon damage non-lethal. This allows you to never worry about this again. You very rarely get in trouble for bringing someone in alive; apart from some flavor commentary IDK if it's ever happened to me. Alternatively, you can use blunt weapons or certain quickhacks.
- Pay Vic back. Partially to upgrade your eyeballs but mostly because it's the right thing to do for a friend.
- In general, dialogue checks relating to your attributes are there for flavor so you can use them with impunity, but without material reward.
- Street cred: literally just kill criminals and do quests and it'll level faster than your character level. I hit 50 SC around level 30, as I recall. That unlocks the best cyberware and the highest level gigs, then there's no reason to think about it ever again.
- If you possibly can, wait 2 years for the finished version of this game with all the DLCs. I love it, but I think it'd be more fun to experience the finished product fresh. I only played Witcher 3 last year and it was amazing.
- There are free legendary mantis blades and a free legendary monowire kicking around in the game world.
- Don't let Cyberpsychos or other bosses hit you in melee, obvs.
- Those little icons over people's heads at the beginning of the game are telling you that you can fight them but also how difficult they are. I spent an hour trying to figure this out when I bought the game, lol.
- Cops will aggro if you get too close for too long. Gangs will aggro if you get too close usually.
That's it for now! Let me know what I missed.
Thanks for updates from: u/theherrhuml, Eggtastic_Taco, withoutapaddle
submitted by tuttifruttidurutti to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

Tower climbing tips & equipment guide (Part 2)

The other half of the guide I've been writing. This half focuses entirely on the various weapons, armors, and decals that stand above the rest. This is specifically for Tengoku climbing. After a lot of thought I decided that TDM meta is different enough that I should just make that it's own thread. Some weapons that are good for TDM are excluded here due to problems that hurt their potential for climbing, and some weapons that are listed here are not good in TDM.
Notable Weapons:
Weapon Scaling: Weapon damage scales based off of STR and DEX. If a weapon has 30% STR scaling and 70% DEX scaling then 30% of your STR will be used in calculating damage while 70% of your DEX will be used to calculate the rest of the damage. Don't use weapons on fighter classes with stats that don't suit their scaling or you'll end up dealing some pretty pathetic damage.
Kamas-RE: This thing makes getting to F100 basically free if you're playing a ShooteAttackeAllrounder and it's at +7 or higher. Just get it. 100% DEX scaling.
Pickaxe: The Pickaxe's alt attack that throws sand has deceptively long range and causes a fairly long lasting stun effect. Use the pocket sand to stun a guy, then charge up a hit and obliterate them. This weapon is exceptionally powerful in 1v1 fights and that's exactly how many people you should be aiming to fight at any given time. The stamina equip requirement unfortunately prevents Attackers from using this weapon. 100% STR scaling.
Static Massager: Solid weapon with a huge ammo pool and decent damage. Many people have done loads of their early Tengoku climbing with this thing due to its good general usability and exceptional power for cleaning out screamer pits until you get real high up. Its expensive but lasts plenty long enough to justify the price and easier to build than many things on this list. 40% ST60% DEX scaling.
Flamethrower: The flamethrower is a weapon with exceptionally high DPS, massive ammo pool, solid rage move, and complete disbelief in the concept of blocking. Its only downsides being its fairly short range and need for frequent reloading. Use the Juggler decal to negate its reload downside. You can pair the Flamethrower with the Nail Gun to suppress an enemy while you advance to spray them with flames. This combo does take two weapon slots but it easily shuts down haters with dangerous weapons like the Kamas. I may not have personally used this weapon but I've seen plenty of evidence presented to me from reliable sources for me to believe its power. Unfortunately it's a stamina requirement weapon so Attacker can't touch it. 100% DEX scaling.
Magnum: This thing hits hard, can't be blocked, and has a forced stagger on every shot. The only downsides being its terrible accuracy (some people claim that there is a way to aim it to always land shots, yet never once have they provided any proof to support this claim) and small mag size. The Juggler decal can get rid of the issues cause by the mag size, and is more reliable overall than Billy the Kid for this weapon. The accuracy issue can be bypassed by just shooting from close range. This weapon is also one of the few in the game with an excellent set bonus decal. 30% ST70% DEX scaling.
M2G: This is by far the best weapon in the game but also the hardest to use. If you practice and get good with it you can take it basically anywhere. Even if you suck with it it still provides a massive amount of utility with firework lures and carefully aimed knife snipes. Just remember the priority of what ammo types are best to fire; 1.) Knife, 2.) Shotgun & Rifle, 3.) Firework, 4.) Grenade, 5.) Not even firing the weapon at all, 6.) Rocket. 70% ST30% DEX scaling.
Spear: Stabby stick kills man good. The basic pokes do good damage and have decent tracking, the heavy thrust does huge damage but it's a bit slow, and the rage move is a 100% knockdown. The only problem here is that it's a stamina requirement weapon so it's off limits for Attacker. 100% STR scaling.
Flail: The second best weapon in the game. Hits like a truck, has massive damage resistance for a short time while attacking, and the alt attack has some pretty good range (https://www.reddit.com/LetItDie/comments/ieco8b/why_flail_alt_attack_is_good/). If you buy any weapon from Hernia, it should be this one. 80% ST20% DEX scaling.
Flame Wand: I've never used this personally but its power is obvious. The ammo pool for this weapon is absolutely massive at uncap just like its damage. Its ideal range is similar to the flamethrower so it wouldn't be wrong to think of it as an alternative that trades the suppression capabilities for burst damage and the ability to create flame puddles to cook with. Remember that the flame puddles can't hurt you if you have at least 5% fire res. 10% ST90% DEX scaling.
Medusa Head: Personally I believe Medusa to be the 3rd best weapon in the game. While it lacks the raw power that the M2G & Flail have it has a lot more technical use that far surpasses every other in the game. Thanks to its homing and ability to be sped up with a second input while in the middle of any other animation, it's fairly easy to abuse the hit stun from the Medusa Head to hold a hater in place momentarily while you catch them in a combo with some other 1-handed weapon. 100% STR scaling.
Vajra of Light: My favorite weapon. Has some serious usability issues caused by its stamina equip requirement and its scaling being extremely problematic. Due to these issues, this weapon should never be upgraded beyond +7 as its full potential is lost forever (stam req too high for Attacker to equip it) if you go any further. Thankfully if you take the time to set it up for optimal usage it is in fact quite good. A basic combo that's easy to catch haters in paired with a powerful guard break alt attack that can be chained into after all but the last attack in its 4 hit combo. 50% ST50% DEX scaling.
Saber: The Saber is a very fast weapon with decent damage. If you can get a hater in a corner this weapon can infinitely stunlock them with its alt attack, which always electrocutes and goes through guards. 70% ST30% DEX scaling.
Pitching Machine: This is what you use as a Shooter to do any damage to Crowley at all. Also has a surprisingly powerful melee attack that uses very little durability. You can use the rage move to stagger Coen out of the roar at the start of the fight but this isn't a particularly good option for doing that since you need to use it before entering the fight which will kinda waste the rage if the boss was actually U10. It has let me down a lot of the time I've used it for any given purpose and for that reason I don't really recommend it unless you're playing a Shooter and don't have any other option for blunt damage. Even if you don't play Shooter build it anyway to farm Red Napalm and get the Blunt funshot from it. 20% ST80% DEX scaling.
Boxing Glove: Attack =/= Damage. The number on the weapon card is more of a vague suggestion of the kind of damage a weapon will be dealing per hit. That said, this weapon's damage isn't what makes it stand out. The Boxing Glove has rather good range for a melee weapon, some of the best stunlock potential in the game, and has a notoriously easy time knocking haters into the groggy state compared to any other weapon. This is like a sort of "get this guy out of my face" button you can use if something is being a big problem and your best solution to the problem is trying for a goretastic. I sure had a few moments like that on my climb to 351. THANKS 404. This weapon only gets more useful the further up you go and due to its ridiculous durability you can even use a T1 version if you're only using it for inducing groggy. 80% ST20% DEX scaling.
Bowling Ball: The first two hits of its combo are pretty decent but you use this for the rage move. So long as the ground is flat and clean (no plants or stuff like that) you send the rage off quite far and still nuke a dude with it, perfect for the long tightly packed hallways found in some of the floor layouts Tengoku uses. The rage also does absolutely massive damage to bosses while being fairly quick and long ranged making it the safest way to take chunks out of Jackson, Jin Die, and Crowley. This should be considered one of your highest priorities for success. 100% STR scaling.
Motorcycle: The main reasons to use this weapon are that a fully charged attack will always cause a knockdown, and its rage move is rather powerful for pit fights. While charged attacks can be chained indefinitely to stunlock a hater to death it's not the easiest thing in the world to land one on a hater that hasn't already been knocked down. Use the flail or something to knock them down initially then use the Motorcycle from there. Keep in mind the charged attack has exceptionally good forward movement which allows it to very easily catch haters attempting to roll away from you, or you can angle it a bit against a corner you're hiding behind as an enemy walks closer to suddenly jet out and knock that fool down. The rage move is decent but it can't hit the same enemy more than once, so it's a little lackluster unless you're using the tengoku variant of the Motorcycle that has fire damage, the Emperor. 100% STR scaling.
Bow: The second hardest weapon to use in the game. Thankfully it has such a hilariously high headshot multiplier (13x last I heard) that not only is it absolutely worth learning how to use and the 2nd weapon that should be bought from Hernia after the Flail, but it's even worth using on Striker despite its scaling cutting its damage in half on them. Oh and the rage move makes you invisible for about 3 seconds. You can use it to get out of a bad situation if you alert a particularly dangerous hater. 40% ST60% DEX scaling.
Notable Armors:
Unlike the weapons section almost all of what's said here will apply to TDM as well, but a few pieces of armor will be left out as they are only good for TDM and not climbing. Helmets provide a very small portion of your defense compared to the rest of your armor and the differences in defense between helmets is small enough that you generally shouldn't care about the defense. It's the stat boosts that really matter here.
"What does Mixed Offenses mean?": You are using a mixed offense build if you are using weapons with damage scaling that favors having high Dex & STR instead of just one stat. If you're using the Kamas (100% DEX) and the Bowling Crusher (100% STR), then you are using a mixed build and will benefit from a helmet that boosts STR & DEX.
Night Scout chest & legs: This is the overall best permanently available armor set in the game. One of the highest defense totals paired with very good resistances. Just be careful fighting slash or electric weapons and you'll be just fine. The helmet is alright too, but it's nothing special and you'd get more out of using a different one from this list. Defense at +5 is 3850 for the chest & 2650 for the legs. Resists per piece are -9% Slash, +5% Blunt, +9% Pierce, +5% Fire, -9% Electric, & +5% Poison.
Iron Eagle RE full set: This set is weaker overall defensively than the Night Scout set but it does have a few reasons you may want to use it instead. The two main ones being a lack of any negative resistances and the fact that all pieces of this set have 50% higher durability than normal armor. I'll have some numbers below this section to better show how big of a boost that is. This version of the set is strictly easier to upgrade than the base Iron Eagle so it's a better investment if you can build up the 3M recycle points needed to buy it from Hernia's recycle shop. The helmet is by far the highest priority to get as it is the best DEX boosting helmet in the game. Defense at +5 is 993 for the helmet, 3536 for the chest, & 2441 for the legs. Helmet boosts are +9% HP & +16% DEX. Resists per piece are +9% Pierce, +5% Fire, & +9% Poison. Helmet durability at +5: 3250 compared to the usual 2500 Helmet durability at +19: 4288 compared to the usual 3298 Chest durability at +5: 5688 compared to the usual 4375 Chest durability at +19: 7505 compared to the usual 5772 Legs durability at +5: 4466 compared to the usual 3435 Legs durability at +19: 5892 compared to the usual 4532
Silent Sniper helmet: This helmet has the overall best stat boosts of any mixed offense helmet and solid defense. The chest & legs are direct downgrades to Night Scout though so there's no reason to use those. This helmet belongs to the War Ensemble faction which means it can be used with Night Scout, Iron Eagle RE, or Exo-armor on builds requiring matching faction armor. Defense at +5 is 1054. Boosts are -5% HP, +9% STR, +9% DEX, & +5% VIT.
Red Napalm legs: These get worse the further you upgrade any other pants since they gain very little from upgrades above +5. Their massive durability, excellent degradation rate of 5%, and extreme pierce resistance make them a solid option for someone with less upgraded equipment. The chest piece loses too much defense to really be worth it compared to Night Scout chest. Just be sure to avoid blunt damage at all costs, and of course, enjoy the view :^) . Defense at +5 is 2452, defense at +19 is 2818. Resists are -21% Blunt, +16% Pierce, +9% Fire, -20% Electric, & +9% Poison.
Warrior helmet: This helmet has the highest STR boost you'll get from any helmet (with one exception, but that helmet isn't ideal for climbing) as well as extremely high defense. This helmet reduces max HP but that isn't exclusively a bad thing. It's not great to have less HP but keep in mind it also makes your rage gain higher. This helmet also belongs to the Candle Wolf faction which means it can be used with Sword Dancer on builds requiring matching faction armor. Also it looks cool as fuck. Don't use the chest & legs from this set as they have terrible resists that make it weaker than Night Scout overall despite having slightly higher defense. Defense at +5 is 1114. Boosts are -9% HP, +14% STR, & +5% VIT.
Sword Dancer full set: This is the overall best armor set in the game. Unfortunately this was a lost bag set so it can only be gotten by buying the blueprints from Hernia for 24 DMs a piece. The helmet provides good mixed offense boosts, the chest & legs are the only pieces of armor that resist all 3 physical damage types, and it has the highest defense in the game apart from ZX Knight (which is not a good armor set due to horrible resists). The only reason you may not want to use this set is that its garish color scheme makes you look like a meth clown. Personally I enjoy making my characters look ridiculous so that's another upside for me. Defense at +5 is 1126 for the helmet, 4010 for the chest, & 2752 for the legs. Helmet boosts are +5% HP, +12% STR, +5% DEX, -10% VIT. Resists per piece are +5% Slash, +9% Blunt, +5% Pierce, +13% Fire, -13% Electric, & -13% Poison.
Exo-armor full set: This is an alternative to Sword Dancer that trades resistance to Slash & Fire for a large boost in Pierce res, reduced weakness to Electric, and a new resistance to Poison. This set was in lost bags and must be bought for DMs like Sword Dancer. The helmet is a direct upgrade to Night Scout with higher defense and the same stats except for an extra +8% VIT. Despite this upgrade there are still better options for running a DEX centric build. Defense is identical to Sword Dancer. Helmet boosts are -5% STR, +12% DEX, & +8% VIT. Resists per piece are -9% Slash, +9% Blunt, +13% Pierce, -9% Fire, -9% Electric, & +5% Poison.
Violent Grinder chest & legs: This is another alternative to Sword Dancer that trades its Pierce res and some of its Fire res for a resistance to Electric and a reduced weakness to poison. This set was in lost bags and must be bought for DMs like Sword Dancer. The helmet is not worth using for climbing as its boosts are purely negative for offensive stats. Defense is identical to Sword Dancer. Resists per piece are +5% Slash, +9% Blunt, +9% Fire, +9% Electric, & -9% Poison.
Reaper full set: THIS SET IS EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO GET THE BLUEPRINTS FOR AND BUILD. With that warning out of the way, this set is really weird and has a handful of various positives and negatives compared to normal armor sets so lets go over those. This is the only armor set in the game with completely different resists on the chest and legs, +13% to everything split evenly between the two. This set has 2 different helmets that can be used to complete it, which are earned by completing the 41-50 stamp rally. The one for getting the stamps at all boosts STR, the one for perfecting every stamp boosts DEX. Both helmets grant innate headshot damage immunity while worn. Yes I'm serious. All pieces of this set have higher durability than normal armors (Dura comparison at the end of the section for this set). This set's pieces also have a degradation rate of around 5% so they stay at high defense for a very long time. This set does not have a faction which means it cannot be used with any of the "full set" decals like Professional Cosplayer. The chestpiece blueprint is earned by completing a quest to make it to F100 while the legs blueprint is available to purchase in Hernia's Bloodnium shop for 66666 Bloodnium. It'll be a long time before you can get those legs but it's fine since you probably still won't have the materials to actually get the damn set to a decent level by the time you get all that blood. Defense at +5 is 946 for the helmets, 3405 for the chest, & 2270 for the legs. The blue helmet boost is +12% STR and is actually not a bad choice for STR centered builds at all. The red helmet boost is +12% DEX, and while the boosts are weaker than other DEX boosting helmets you could do fine using this if you really want the headshot immunity and higher durability that bad. The chest resists are +13% Pierce, +13% Fire, & +13% Electric. The legs resists are +13% Slash, +13% Blunt, & +13% Poison. Blue/Red X-Ray Glasses durability at +5: 3000 compared to the usual 2500 Blue/Red X-Ray Glasses durability at +19: 3958 compared to the usual 3298 Chest durability at +5: 5250 compared to the usual 4375 Chest durability at +19: 6927 compared to the usual 5772 Legs durability at +5: 4122 compared to the usual 3435 Legs durability at +19: 5438 compared to the usual 4532
Jackal D full sets: These are extreme endgame armor sets and are far more ridiculous to get the blueprints for and build than even the Reaper set. I'm actually not going to talk about them because due to terrible durability and obscene shop prices, they're really not ideal for climbing and I made this section specifically to tell people not to go for them. They're amazing for TDM but there's no point if you're just trying to climb unless you're some god gamer like Khuron and basically never take hits to begin with (Obligatory Khuron plug https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClR3-fdqAT3qbd-x2kXTCRQ ). If you want to know about these then you're gonna have to wait for the TDM version of this thread or use the wiki.
Dishonorable mention, Barret Punisher: Despite Barret Punisher having the same defense as Night Scout I can't justify recommending it due to it lacking the Blunt resistance of Night Scout and being a giant pain in the ass to upgrade to uncap in comparison. Whoever decided this set should take carbon fiber & purple metals at T4 was a dickhole and ruined the potential of this otherwise decent and usable set. It's really not worth the effort but if you use any set that didn't make the cut for this list this is probably the best one.
Notable Decals:
Utility vs. Damage: There's a few really good utility decals out there but you can't expect to make a build with no damage boosts and have it still kill easily. Try not to have more than 2 utility decals on a build for the best performance.
Decal stacking: Some damage boosting decals stack additively and some stack multiplicatively. Additive stacking is worse. The general rule is that anything with the same requirements to activate its effect will stack additively. Barbell & Golden Gym will stack additively, but Barbell and Professional Cosplayer would stack multiplicatively. Another example would be Barbarian + Professional Cosplayer. Barbarian x2 would be 1.2 + 1.2 = 1.4, Barbarian + Professional Cosplayer would be 1.2 x 1.2 = 1.44.
Treasure HunteSpy: I've written enough earlier on to justify its use already but you can also use this decal to check where enemies are and where they're facing from a safe place. You can buy this decal from the skillshroom shop after clearing F40. Spy is just Treasure Hunter but with 40% stamina use reduction for rolling and running. Spy is the best utility decal in the game and Treasure Hunter is only a little worse. This is a priority 1 choice for your utility slots.
Vampire: Vampire is the training wheels we all use to keep us alive until we have things figured out well enough that we don't need it anymore. It's always at least a decent choice for pure melee builds though. Vampire is a priority 3 Utility decal, priority 1.5 on pure melee.
5 Leaf Clove6 Leaf Clover: 5LC isn't too hard to get a premium of but even if you can't get it you can easily buy it from the shop for a few skillshrooms. Critical hits do 1.5x damage so you can consider the +20% crit chance from 5LC as a sort of +10% average damage increase. The more decals you have boosting crit damage the stronger crit chance boosts become. However, I strongly advise against going all in on crit decals because the crit damage ones are worse the more of them you have and you're just making your build fall apart even harder when you run into someone with Conqueror's Seal. 6 Leaf Clover is the same as 5LC but it's 30% instead of 20%.
Bull/Raging Bull: These are actually the best damage boost you can get out of any build without a 5 star decal. They're a bit scary to use since you have so little health to work with and because you can't eat beasts whenever you see them to restore hunger your stamina will eventually become a problem. I have a hard time suggesting the use of these for anything beyond destroying the first 3 forcemen.
Serial Killer: If you're using the Kamas or M2G as one of your main weapons this decal is a massive damage boost so long as you play smart and carefully. I wouldn't advise using it if you're only using melee. A common misconception about this decal is that the +100% Attack means you're doing double damage. In a vacuum that would be correct, but this leaves out the fact that Defense exists. An enemy's defense doesn't magically become higher when your attack increases so your damage is calculating a significantly higher number against that same defense. Serial Killer is more than double damage in practice. Not important to know since everyone's dying anyway but I wanted to explain that.
Marathon RunneUltra Marathon Man: 50% reduced sprint stamina use is an amazing quality of life effect for climbing. You can get through floors so much faster when you can just sprint almost the whole time. UMM is the same as Marathon Runner but with 80% reduction instead. This is a priority 2 utility decal.
Professional Gymnast/Legendary Gymnast: This is decent for a very different reason than Marathon Runner. If you're running a pure melee build then Kamas haters become a pain to deal with. Thankfully, Kamas is completely incapable of damaging anyone while they're in the middle of a roll animation. This will greatly increase the amount of rolls you can perform without exhausting your fighter making it much easier to waste their bullets. Legendary Gymnast is the same as Pro Gymnast but significantly better. This is a priority 2 decal on pure melee builds, and a priority don't-equip-this-shit on anything else.
Barbell/JokeGolden Gym: Barbell is very basic but it has no restrictions and it's not that unlikely you'll have gotten a copy of it somehow by the time you've made it to Tengoku. If you aren't swimming in 5 star decals Barbell is probably a prime choice for you. Joker is Barbell but with Tank, Silver Heart, Wolf, and 150% of an Emerald mixed in too. Joker is a very solid quality of life decal and the closest anything comes to a direct competition with the best decal in the game, UFR. Golden Gym is Barbell but twice as strong.
One Shot One Kill: OSOK is a massive damage boost for a single slot but is only viable on a very small selection of weapons (Kamas, Sniper Rifle, M2G, and Bow). Personally I don't care for this decal at all since relying on it for your damage sets you up for a bad time against haters with Super Helmet or Super Helmet 2, but if your collection isn't that great you've gotta use what you have.
Barbarian: This decal is stronger than Barbell if you're only using 2 handed weapons. If your build uses a good mix of 2 handed & 1 handed weapons I'd say just go with Barbell instead. That said, Barbarian is much easier to get from stews or by trading some skillshrooms for a non-premium copy.
Addict decals: If you have the addict decal for your main weapon it's probably a good idea to use it. Using addicts hurts your diversity but it's not a big deal if it's something like the Kamas or Flail that can cover a wide variety of situations.
Juggler: This decal's usefulness ranges wildly from weapon to weapon. Some don't care about it much at all while it's best in slot for others. I'm just going to go over the various weapons affected by this decal and explain why exactly it's a good or bad choice for them. Stun Gun - Stun Gun's reload is time delayed and that isn't changed by any reload speed decals so it's completely useless. M2G - Juggler only affects the speed of a small part of the animation. It is faster but the difference is so tiny it'll basically never matter. Sniper Rifle, Rocket Launcher - The problem these guns face is horrible fire rate, being locked in place for a long time after firing, and very small spare ammo pools. Their reload speeds mean nothing in light of these crippling downsides and I genuinely can't think of any situation where Juggler would matter at all. Welding Gun - The real problem is the charge time before firing and the short effective range. This weapon doesn't really work unless you're using it in situations where reloading it wouldn't be a problem in the first place, so Juggler isn't a good choice. Static Massager - The mag size is too big for this to be realistically worth it. Firework Launcher - While a shorter reload is nice the delay after firing is very long and the mag size is very large for how slow firing this weapon is. It's not a great choice even if it's not completely useless. Pitching Machine - This weapon benefits a good bit from faster reloads but due to the slow initial fire rate you usually need to jump through some hoops to keep a situation where the reload speed mattered in your favor anyway, so it doesn't feel too great. Shotgun, Kamas, Crossbow - All of these weapons appreciate the utility of drastically shorter reloads but don't necessarily need it more than another damage boost. Try it out and see if it's right for you. Nailgun - The only good use case for this thing is to clear screamers sub-F40 or as a tool to hold haters in place while you get closer to use the Flamethrower. Because of this, there is no reason to ever not use Juggler with this weapon. Flamethrower, Magnum - These two weapons lose their only real times of vulnerability by using Juggler and become significantly better at what they do as a result. If either of these weapons is one of the main ones in your build, you're a fool for not using Juggler if you have it. I would choose Juggler over almost any damage decal for them.
Billy the Kid: This gives half the reload speed bonus of Juggler but comes with some extra damage. Some weapons prefer Billy over Juggler while others should just stick with Juggler. Stun Gun, M2G, Welding Gun, Sniper Rifle, Rocket Launcher - Billy is a better choice than Juggler for these weapons due to the damage boost but still isn't particularly useful. Pitching Machine - This weapon does Blunt damage so Billy doesn't even work on it. Don't use it. Flamethrower, Magnum - Billy's speed bonus isn't fast enough to eliminate the vulnerability periods entirely so these weapons should just use Juggler instead. Nail Gun - The use cases for this weapon don't change so Billy is worse than Juggler. Static Massager, Firework Launcher - Billy is a much better choice than Juggler and doesn't feel that bad to use with these. Shotgun, Crossbow - You can use either one really, but the damage bonus of Billy will probably be better in a lot of cases. Kamas - Billy's speed is good enough and it will outperform Juggler in almost every situation thanks to the extra damage.
Mad BombeVampire Queen: Use with the M2G to lure a group to one spot, the kill one guy with a knife and watch as Mad Bomber kills the rest of the group. Also great for screamer pits in Tengoku. Vampire Queen is the same thing but with Vampire mixed in. Don't use Vampire & Vampire Queen together, the lifesteal effect doesn't stack. While this is a damage decal it should be considered a Utility decal. With that in mind, they're both priority 1.
Critical Attack/Below the Belt: There's a common misconception about these decals regarding what exactly they do. People often think that the 30% extra damage is added to the crit multiplier, resulting in crits dealing 1.8x damage. This is incorrect. The 30% extra damage is applied after the crit multiplier, resulting in 1.5 x 1.3 = 1.95x damage. With that said these decals are obviously really damn good but I'd advise against using them if your total crit chance is any lower than 50%. I'd also advise not using CA & BtB together if you can make a good build without one of them since relying too much on crits for your damage sets you up for a bad time against any haters with Pro Tip: Conqueror's Seal.
Trigger Happy: Equip Kamas & Assault Force armor, turn off brain, kill many men. This decal is extremely powerful for farming and takes basically no skill whatsoever to use. If you have it I'd advise using it until you can make a good build without it. I can't stand this bullshit but I'm not about to fault anyone for using a great farming tool. I'd rather people succeed with stuff that annoys me than fail with stuff that doesn't.
Food Fighter: This seems like a dumb meme at first glance but there's actually a lot of potential here. This makes eating something like 4x faster which has a variety of uses. You can near instantly use a Guardshroom if you suddenly find yourself in a situation you'd definitely die in without it, or you can eat a barbmeat and heal to full HP near instantly on demand. Try it out. Priority 2 utility decal.
Vigilante: One of the very few set bonus decals that's actually great. The Magnum is a very good weapon and its best used at close range whether you're using this decal or not so Vigilante just makes it better at what it would do anyway. The existence of the Iron Eagle RE armor set and Lethal Weapon (the Tengoku variant Magnum with fire damage) also help push this decal's power even further. Try it out.
Warrior Monk: One of the top 5 strongest decals in the game. 30% extra Slash & Blunt damage is amazing enough but the extra 20% pierce resistance makes it a prime choice for almost any build. Also happens to be one of the 2 decals that stacks multiplicatively with everything without being an Addict or set bonus decal. If your build uses a strong Slash/Blunt weapon as one of the main weapons then you'll benefit greatly from equipping this. #1 decal for any pure melee build.
Niten Ichi-ryu: The restriction is a problem but the damage boost is massive. The 50% reduced roll stamina cost is a big help against the many ranged weapons of F40+ and makes pure melee drastically easier to manage. If you can work well with a 1-handed weapon in most situations I strongly advise using this.
Lion Man: Bootleg Critical Attack. The critical damage bonus applies to both hands so long as you have the Lion Knuckles in one of them so you can easily use this to push your damage a little further if your collection is missing some of the stronger decals. The Lion Knuckles aren't a bad weapon either, but they're better in TDM than the tower.
Final Hero: I don't consider Legendary Hero to be a good decal due to it only being equal to a regular Bull and having nothing else going for it. Final Hero is a bit stronger and has the HP regen that'll often help you top off your health after taking a little bit of chip damage from something like a lizard biting you or a weaker weapon like the nailgun landing a hit on you. It's an alternative to Serial Killer that trades a big chunk of power for some slow (but still useful) passive healing and a big damage reduction on the first hit you take while the effect is active (while you're at full HP). If you're bad at keeping Serial Killer active (like me) then this might work out better for you. It's also way better on Attacker than any other class for high climbs since Attacker tends to die if they get hit at F250+ anyway. I think a lot of people underestimated this decal when it came out because of how unreliable the other Hero decals are. Try it out for a while before saying it's bad. I'm not the only person that's taken it to F300+ afterall, and I have a feeling I won't be the last.
Ultimate Fighter's Return: Best decal in the game. No matter what you're doing, you're doing it 20% better if you have this decal equipped. There is no situation in which this decal isn't a premium choice. Prioritize over ALL other decals if you have it.
Professional CosplayeSylvia Christel: This decal is extremely powerful but a bit restrictive. There's no reason not to use it if you have it and it should always be prioritized over any other decal in the game due to its sheer power. The restriction of needing to wear a full set is misleading as you only need to wear armor from the same faction, not the same set. This also means you can't use this decal with factionless armor like the Reaper & Jackal sets. Sylvia is basically a slightly weaker Pro Cosplayer from the last crossover event 2 years back. If you don't already have Sylvia you never will. Just use 6 Leaf Clover in place of Sylvia if you don't have it. The difference isn't that big.
Pro Tip: Conqueror's Seal: Don't climb with this decal I'm only listing it here so people know what it does. Anyone wearing this decal will never be critically hit by any attacks. This effect is extremely powerful defensively since it completely destroys any crit builds.
submitted by AziSlays to LetItDie [link] [comments]

Act5 Merc Guide

Mercs have been significantly improved in PD2, they can now equip gloves and belts. Act5 mercs now provide a might aura and can equip maces and axes. The might aura might be the selling point for most, but the mace and axe addition adds a lot to their arsenal and enables some high damage builds. Their second attack has been changed from stun to concentrate. They loose the stun effect, gain some defensive scaling and they can kill physical immunes. Indirectly they have been buffed, by changes to might (better %ed) and most importantly melee splash, which adds an aoe to each hit. Melee splash is especially strong with them, because their might aura does increase its damage too. All this combines to act5 mercs being total machines, their damage more than tripled compared to vanilla and they got aoe. They also kept all their advantages, which means they are the sturdiest of all d2 mercs.


Barbarians have the highest life regeneration of all mercs, they fully recover their health in 16.4 seconds (compared to 41s for all other mercs), also they have a native 70 poison resistance. They have no hit recovery animation, which means he can not be put into hit recovery and can not be knocked back. They also have a 5% crit chance, that's multiplicative with everything else, but can not be modified, resulting in the possibility for quadruple damage (in fact, all monsters have this chance, maybe you remember this after the next one-shot that should have been impossible). They do have three attacks to choose from: a kind of double hit (a normal attack dealing damage twice), which i will call auto and the skills bash and concentrate, known from the barbarian character. He has about a 26% chance to auto and 37% for either bash or concentrate, source (Note, that stun has simply been swapped with conc). Bash and conc synergies each other. These attacks and their chances mean he already comes with an average offweapon-ed of about 180 and an average %AR of 280. Things start to become a bit specific, when it comes to adding skill lvls, so here is what works:
Works works not
+all skills +class skill
+specific skill (bash and stun) +skill tree (barb combat in this case)
If a skill point is successfully added, it also synergies with the other skill (in contrast to how it works on players). This means that +all skills have been rather worthwhile for him, but now, with the addition of might, +1 all skill is worth an average of 25% offweapon-ed. For a complete view ill also add, that +1 bash is worth about 6% offweapon-ed and +1 conc about 3.5%. All together the replacement of stun with conc did not change these numbers that much. Concentration however did add a %def (only 84% at base lvl, has been nerfed compared to vanilla to counteract the overall buff for players) sclaing (with a 2s duration and about 2-3 attacks per second he should be able to maintain the buff), so some def on his equipment might be good investment (i dont know if the buff to the defensive mechanic also counts for mercs). Conc deals mostly magic damage, which might lower his overall leech, but can kill physical immunes with some patience.
Another thing (which i also didn't know until recently) is, that they have special scaling with one handed weapons: their base damage is doubled and their additions to min and max dmg are tripled. This has always been the case, and is known from the base game (source)), but was not relevant. But through the addition of axes and maces a lot of rune words were added and other, which formerly could only be build into two-handed swords, can now be wielded in one hand. This made me wonder, how well some weapons might perform. It started with a simple weapon comparison and, as i continued to calculate, turned more into a full analysis, which i thought id share


There are several things you might want a merc for. Most commonly he should tank, survive, provide some utility and deal some damage. For him to survive you want some stats, e.g. as much LL as you can get, as much damage, so he can leech, can not be frozen (cnbf), physical damage reduction... One could also try to make his defense scale, but for that an act2 merc with defiance might be better. Thus i focused mostly on the most interesting part of an arpg in soft core: whats the best dps he can achieve? To answer this question i simply solved the equation
((WeaponBaseDmg * (WeaponEd/100+1) * Bonus * Eth + (WeaponMinDmg+WeaponMaxDmg) * 3/2) * AttacksPerSecond) * (OffWeaponEd/100+1) * (CritChance/100+1)
for some weapons and set ups and then i wrote everything down in tables. WeaponBaseDmg can be found here. WeaponEd is the extra Damage on the weapon. Bonus is either 1 or 2, depending if it is a two handed or one handed weapon. Eth is either 1 or 1.5 depending if the weapon is ethereal. WeaponMinDmg and WeaponMaxDmg are min and max dmg on the wepaon. I did not include any two-handers with these mods, e.g. Grandfather, so its tripled. To my knowledge only min and max on weapon are tripled, so e.g. Wartravs will still provide normal damage. Also note that flat damage, e.g. found on Astreons or Stonecrusher is also only multiplied with one. The wiki link in the amazon basin says that min and max damage is also only doubled, but the original link is down and there are some mentions that it is tripled, so take this with a grain of salt. I did some tests and they support the factor three, however i encourage you to do your own, if you question this. OffweaponEd is the extra damage found in other places, my baseline here was MightLvl 18 +stregth bonus +average bonus from bash and conc, which is 230+220+180 = 630. CritChance is his chance to deal double damage, the calculation can be found here (note the last denominator is 100, not 10000). I neglected his 5% crit chance, it's basically a 1.05 multiplier independent on the set up. I also neglected everything that is dependent on the monster. Most importantly Hit Chance and Attack Rating AR are not included, thus some items like sigons helm, halaberds or beast are undervalued. The hit chance calculation was changed in favor for players in PD2, but to my knowledge this does not count for mercs. Lastly enemies do not have physical resistences, which is relevant for stone crusher and for AD procs.

Weapon per hit damage

By solving the equation for several weapons (picked for popularity and personal curiosity) i got this table
Name Bonus base eth Weapon Ed Min Max OffW-ED DS DPS
Headstriker eth 2 45 1.5 200 80 630 100 7665
DeathCleaver eth 2 47.5 1.5 300 630 66 6907
Grief PB 2 29 1 220 250 630 20 6684
Schaefers eth 2 55.5 1.5 280 160 630 6371
death BA 2 47.5 1.5 300 630 50 6242
Beast Thunder 1 106.5 1.5 260 830 5348
Doom BA 2 47.5 1.5 315 630 20 5180
Headstriker 2 45 1 150 80 630 100 5037
Beast BA 2 47.5 1.5 260 830 4771
Stone Crusher eth 2 55.5 1.5 300 630 4862
Razors edge eth 2 45.5 1.5 225 630 50 4858
Botd Thunder 1 106.5 1.5 315 630 4840
Schaefers 2 55.5 1 230 160 630 4426
Doom Champion axe 1 76.5 1.5 315 630 20 4172
butchers 2 49 1 195 30 50 630 35 4032
DeathCleaver 2 47.5 1 250 630 66 4029
Stone Crusher 2 55.5 1 300 10 30 630 3679
Gavel of pain 1 106.5 1.5 150 12 30 630 3375
IK Maul 1 91.5 1 200 830 2553
Stormlash 2 45.5 1 240 630 2259
A few things that stood out to me: 5k average damage is respectable and very reachable. Butchers (upped) deals more damage than an ik maul, in fact almost twice as much (unfortunately it cannot roll eth). Botd thundermaul is not good, it has about as much damage as non eth schaefers, it is outclassed by eth razors edge and non eth headstriker. Headstriker still has damage, but Death Cleaver and Grief are new to the list and are very close. At this point i started to wonder how the rest of the equipment might change these results, because grief is so easy to build around or because headstriker will not allow the addition of any more DS. Thus, i handpicked some weapons and calculated the DPS for some set ups i pulled right of my head. These set ups can be used, but if you want to change something, you have to get the break points and solve the equation (or ask in the comments).

Set up comparison


I will start with the overview.
Set up Bonus base eth Weapon Ed Min Max fpa aps OffW-ED DS DPS % of max
DeathCleaver-4ohm-eth veil-cham lava nosf gore fort 2 47.5 1.5 500 10 3.16 915 91 52344 100
Grief-PB fort gulli-cham gore nosf grave 2 29 1 220 250 9 3.51 830 78 44318 85
Schaefers-eth-4lo fort gulli2s-30ias nosf lava marrow 2 55.5 1.5 230 160 11 2.87 830 105 43208 83
Headstriker-eth-4ohm lava nosf rite Andy-15ias fort 2 45 1.5 350 80 10 3.16 830 100 42731 82
Gavel of pain-4lo-2ohm-eth lava andy-15ias nosf fort marrow 1 106.5 1.5 350 12 30 13 2.43 915 90 36628 70
Beast-Ettin-eth fort nosf gore gravepalm gulli-cham 2 49.5 1.5 260 9 3.51 1030 58 33490 64
Doom-BA-eth fort lava nosf andy2s-30ias marrow 2 47.5 1.5 350 9 3.51 930 30 30128 58
Death-BA-eth grave nosf veil fort marrow 2 47.5 1.5 300 11 2.87 915 78 29564 56
Botd-BA-eth grave gulli-15ias nosf fort marrow 2 47.5 1.5 315 10 3.16 860 43 25637 49
DeathCleaver gulli lava nosf marrow fort 2 47.5 1 280 10 3.16 950 91 22863 40
Razor's-Edge-eth-shael LionH Gulli-15ias grave string rite 2 45.5 1.5 225 10 3.16 745 83 21663 38
Headstriker-shael lava nosf rite Andy lionheart 2 45 1 150 80 10 3.16 795 100 19502 34
ColdSteel-Eye-eth-shael sigon-helm-gloves LionH string marrow 2 36 1.5 240 9 3.51 745 50 16331 29
Butchers sigon-glove-helm treachery string rite 2 49 1 195 30 50 10 3.16 770 35 15173 27
Lacerator-eth nosf andy lava peace marrow 2 33.5 1.5 250 9 3.51 680 44.2 13882 25
Razor's-Edge-shael sigon-glove-helm treachery string rite 2 45.5 1 225 9 3.51 630 50 11363 20
IK Set 500ele-dmg 1 91.5 1 200 11 2.87 830 8764 15
Ill assume you are familiar with d2 abberations and ill not explain them, because the guide is already kind of long. I tried to be as fair as possible with the comparison. Maybe a set up could get some more dps by socketing a cham and then ditching marrow walks for gore riders. I did this for the first three weapons and the difference isn't to big. You can check the following tables for more details on some set ups. Some stats i just made up, e.g. just made up some rolls on weapons. If you find something that's totally off, msg me. The attacks per second (aps) were calculated with the weights for his attacks as explained above. Roughly spoken, because of his double attack, he will attack 1.26 times as often as listed in this table). When using this calc, it will always display the aps as if he only uses his double attack, which is incorrect, although the break points are right. I would also like to put these numbers into perspective. Consider a good melee char with 10k average damage, 60% DS and 6 fpa, thats 66k dps. A well euqipped barb merc comes pretty close to that. Or a summoner druid with pretty good euqipment does about 80k, then a barb merc could deal about 50% of the damage of all of his summons together. Thats why i think its reasonable to consider a barb merc as a dps source, think of him as your own personal zealer. You can use him for utility, e.g. to proc AD but maybe your better of just handing him a hard hitting stick and let him wreck havoc himself.

budget options

The last place goes to the Immortal King set. This set is a good stepping stone for player barbs, with its all-around stats. But most of its stats are wasted for an act5 merc, all its +skills do not count, all res is not needed in this amount, fhr is useless. The best additions are flat AR and %DR, which can be found on other pieces of gear more easily and in greater numbers, it also lacks important stats like DS. The hammer now comes with 45ias, in addition with the set bonus it will hit a reasonable break point, which is nice. Best dps stats are speed, weapon damage, min and max damage and DS. Every weapon that has some of those, will be a good choice. For me Coldsteel Eye, Butchers pupil and Razors edge stood out. Coldsteel Eye also comes with some nice utility. I did include some cheap set ups to make the most out of these weapons. In general pick a good weapon, bring it to a reasonable speed and then add cnbf, as many DS and LL as you can fit and you will have a respectable merc. There are some items worth mentioning, that are not in the table. Rite of passage is a very cheap option to add cnbf. Heavenly garb will add a lvl1 sanc aura, which sets all undead phy resistance to 0, also for the player. Duriels shell has resistances, cnbf and can be corrupted for sockets, which, when filled with ed jewels, will add as much offweapon-ed as lion heart. Peace adds the amazon oskill deadly strike, which is a great dps increase.

Death Cleaver

Big news Death Cleaver is a good weapon. An act5 merc doubles the base damage of this thing and turns it straight into ridiculous. It has great damage with a variety of set ups, any good item you might have on a mule can be built into a good set up.
Name Bonus base eth Weapon Ed Min Max fpa Avg aps OffW-ED DS DPS
DeathCleaver-4ohm-eth veil-cham lava nosf gore fort 2 47.5 1.5 500 10 3.16 915 91 52344
DeathCleaver-4ohm-eth gulli-cham lava nosf gore fort 2 47.5 1.5 500 10 3.16 830 100 50220
DeathCleaver-3ohm-shael-eth veil grave nosf marrow fort 2 47.5 1.5 450 10 3.16 915 94 48735
DeathCleaver-4ohm-eth andy grave nosf marrow fort 2 47.5 1.5 500 10 3.16 830 94 48713
DeathCleaver-4ohm-eth veil lava nosf marrow fort 2 47.5 1.5 500 10 3.16 915 76 48233
DeathCleaver-4ohm-eth gulli lava nosf marrow fort 2 47.5 1.5 500 10 3.16 830 91 47960
DeathCleaver-1ohm-eth gulli lava nosf marrow fort 2 47.5 1.5 350 10 3.16 950 91 40611
DeathCleaver-4shael-eth veil grave nosf marrow fort 2 47.5 1.5 280 9 3.51 915 94 37413
DeathCleaver-4ohm gulli lava nosf marrow fort 2 47.5 1 500 10 3.16 830 91 31973
DeathCleaver gulli lava nosf marrow fort 2 47.5 1 280 10 3.16 950 91 22863
DeathCleaver andy grave nosf marrow fort 2 47.5 1 280 10 3.16 830 94 20568
It already comes with a lot of DS and good speed. Any ethereal one will be around the top end dps rune words can achieve. Without a good corruption or non-eth it is quite close to the budget options.


Remember how grief was changed, so i cannot be abused by smiters? Well now its very good on barb mercs.
Name Bonus base eth Weapon Ed Min Max fpa aps OffW-ED DS DPS
Grief-PB fort gulli-cham gore nosf grave 2 29 1 220 250 9 3.51 830 78 44318
Grief-PB fort gulli-cham gore nosf steelr 2 29 1 220 250 9 3.51 930 60 44120
Grief-PB fort gulli marrow nosf steelr 2 29 1 220 250 9 3.51 930 45 39984
Grief-PB fort gulli marrow string lava 2 29 1 220 250 9 3.51 930 35 37226
Grief-eth-BA fort gulli nosf lava marrow 2 47.5 1.5 220 250 10 3.16 830 45 36090
Grief-eth-BA fort andy2s-30ias nosf lava marrow 2 47.5 1.5 220 250 9 3.51 830 30 35952
Grief-PB peace delirium marrow nosf steelr 2 29 1 220 250 9 3.51 730 56.6 34798
Grief-eth-BA peace andy2s-30ias nosf lava marrow 2 47.5 1.5 220 250 9 3.51 630 56.6 33995
PB requires some dex on equipment, which makes it a good pair with marrow walk. Needs only a single source of ias to get max speed, which makes the set up quite flexible and andy not a good choice. Out of curiosity i checked if Grief build into an eth BA is better, but the increased ias demands or loss in speed will result in overall less damage. Additionally a Grief-PB can be reused on any other char, in fact the whole set up can be easily reused. It is a great damage weapon for an act5 merc, but lacks any further utility for the player character.


A trend you will recorgnize with every unique presented here: an eth well corrupted one is much better, than its normal counterpart. Schaefers might be the one exception, because even non-eth it has a lot of possible and good builds. Its static procs are interesting for lightning damage characters, like tesla-dins, jav zons and lightning sorceress. An act5 merc with schaefers will pair very well with the first two, because they can also take advantage of his might aura.
Name Bonus base eth Weapon Ed Min Max fpa aps OffW-ED DS DPS
Schaefers-eth-4lo fort gulli2s-30ias nosf lava marrow 2 55.5 1.5 230 160 11 2.87 830 105 43208
Schaefers-eth-4ohm fort gulli2s-30ias nosf lava marrow 2 55.5 1.5 430 160 11 2.87 830 25 37460
Schaefers-eth-1ohm fort gulli2s-30ias nosf lava marrow 2 55.5 1.5 280 160 11 2.87 830 25 29125
Schaefers-eth-4shael fort gulli2s-30ias nosf lava marrow 2 55.5 1.5 230 160 10 3.16 830 25 28981
Schaefers nosf lava fort andy-cham gore 2 55.5 1 230 160 11 2.87 880 25 21322
Schaefers-shael nosf lava peace veil-cham gore 2 55.5 1 230 160 11 2.87 715 47.5 20924
Schaefers nosf lava peace andy marrow 2 55.5 1 230 160 11 2.87 680 44.2 19577
Schaefers-shael nosf lava fort delirium marrow 2 55.5 1 230 160 11 2.87 830 10 17806
Schaefers-shael nosf lava duri gulli gore 2 55.5 1 230 160 11 2.87 630 40 17789
Schaefers nosf lava duri andy gore 2 55.5 1 230 160 11 2.87 680 25 16971
Schaefers nosf lava lionheart andy marrow 2 55.5 1 230 160 11 2.87 780 10 16849
Most set ups assume a 40ias roll, but some leave an open socket to add a 15ias jewel. A normal schaefers can be bought for a mid rune and will allow for some good budget set ups. Also with its lack of DS it does pair well with peace and a +all skills helmet.

Cresent Moon

Schaefers little cousin. Can also proc static, but an um-rune is easier to come by than a schaefers. Some bases are valiable, conquest, mythical and cryptic sword, as well as small cresent, berserker and ettin axe. The axes do have better stats, but a mythical is almost as good as BA and is much easier to find.
Name Bonus base eth Weapon Ed Min Max fpa aps OffW-ED DS DPS
CresentMoon-BA-eth grave andy-15ias nosf fort marrow 2 47.5 1.5 200 10 3.16 880 28 16934
CresentMoon-Myth-eth grave andy-15ias nosf fort marrow 2 45 1.5 200 10 3.16 880 28 16043
CresentMoon-Crypt-eth grave gulli-15ias nosf fort marrow 2 41 1.5 200 10 3.16 830 43 15497
CresentMoon-BA-eth lava andy nosf peace marrow 2 47.5 1.5 200 10 3.16 680 44.2 15184
CresentMoon-BA-eth lava veil-15ias nosf fort marrow 2 47.5 1.5 200 10 3.16 915 10 15073
CresentMoon-Crypt-eth lava andy-15ias nosf fort marrow 2 41 1.5 200 9 3.51 680 44.2 14563
CresentMoon-BA-eth lava andy nosf fort marrow 2 47.5 1.5 200 10 3.16 880 10 14553
CresentMoon-Myth-eth grave andy-15ias nosf duri gore 2 45 1.5 200 10 3.16 680 43 14265
CresentMoon-Crypt-eth lava andy-15ias nosf fort marrow 2 41 1.5 200 9 3.51 880 10 13957
CresentMoon-Ettin-eth lava andy nosf fort marrow 2 49.5 1.5 200 11 2.87 880 10 13787
CresentMoon-Ettin-eth lava Gulli-15ias nosf fort marrow 2 49.5 1.5 200 12 2.63 830 25 13629
CresentMoon-BA-eth lava andy nosf Lionheart marrow 2 47.5 1.5 200 10 3.16 780 10 13068
CresentMoon-Ettin-eth lava andy nosf treachery marrow 2 49.5 1.5 200 10 3.16 680 10 12071
The damage is nothing to cry home about and aligns with other budget options. A schaefers beats it at all gear levels, but at the lower end only by a small margin. If you you do not have a schaefers, but a java or tesla-din i would think to much and build one.


The former best in slot. Not much one can do here. Since crit chance is already maxed, there aren't many items that increase the dps. Now that mercs can equip more items, crit chance is easier to come by and headstrikers advantage shrinks.
Name Bonus base eth Weapon Ed Min Max fpa aps OffW-ED DS DPS
Headstriker-eth-4ohm lava nosf rite Andy-15ias fort 2 45 1.5 350 80 10 3.16 830 100 42731
Headstriker-eth-1shael-3ohm lava nosf rite Andy treachery 2 45 1.5 300 80 9 3.51 630 100 33811
Headstriker-eth-3shael lava nosf rite Andy-15ias fort 2 45 1.5 150 80 9 3.51 830 100 29858
Headstriker-eth-shael lava nosf rite Andy fort 2 45 1.5 150 80 10 3.16 830 100 26872
Headstriker-eth-shael lava nosf rite Andy treachery 2 45 1.5 150 80 9 3.51 630 100 23437
Headstriker-shael lava nosf rite Andy lionheart 2 45 1 150 80 10 3.16 780 100 19175
Headstriker-shael lava nosf rite Veil lionheart 2 45 1 150 80 11 2.87 815 100 18125
Headstriker-shael lava nosf rite Andy treachery 2 45 1 150 80 9 3.51 630 100 17674
Pretty much the only thing to be done is to stack ias, since there is none on the weapon itself. An eth Headstriker with a good corruption will still deal top end damage, but a not so good one also falls off pretty hard. Grief is easier to obtain, easier to build and can be reused, schaefers is about the same dmg and offers some utiity. On the lower end, there are better weapons that are cheaper to build around, but the difference is not the big.

Gavel of Pain

Again, the corruption suggests a much better damage than you might realistically expect, even a respectable eth one with 3os will deal about as much damage as some budget options. However its utility feature is, that he procs Amplified damage (AD). AD has been significantly nerved in PD2 (and is bugged atm, to my knowledge). Might still be interesting for characters, that deal phys damage, but can not make use of other utilities mentioned above or don't want them. To mind come wind druids with their phys spells, or war cry barbs. If you are interested in some thoughts on AD procs for a summoner druid you can have a good read here
Name Bonus base eth Weapon Ed Min Max fpa aps OffW-ED DS DPS
Gavel of pain-6ohm-eth draculs veil-15ias nosf fort marrow 1 106.5 1.5 550 12 30 13 2.43 915 10 29871
Gavel of pain-3ohm-3shael-eth draculs veil nosf fort marrow 1 106.5 1.5 400 12 30 11 2.87 915 10 27621
Gavel of pain-6shael-eth grave andy nosf fort marrow 1 106.5 1.5 250 12 30 10 3.16 830 28 23387
Gavel of pain-6shael-eth draculs veil nosf fort marrow 1 106.5 1.5 250 12 30 10 3.16 915 10 21935
Gavel of pain-eth-ohm draculs veil-15ias nosf fort marrow 1 106.5 1.5 300 12 30 13 2.43 915 10 19039
Gavel of pain-shael lava Darksight-15ias nosf peace gore 1 106.5 1 250 12 30 12 2.63 655 49 12900
Gavel of pain lava andy-15ias nosf fort marrow 1 106.5 1 250 12 30 12 2.63 880 10 12362
Gavel of pain draculs veil-15ias nosf fort marrow 1 106.5 1 250 12 30 13 2.43 915 10 11818
Gavel of pain 1 106.5 1.5 250 12 30 13 2.43 630 11032
Its lack of native ias makes it hard to bring it to reasonable aps. With this speed expect him to proc AD about every 2-3 seconds.


The second weapon to proc AD. With its higher speed and higher proc chance, it is a more reliable source.
Name Bonus base eth Weapon Ed Min Max fpa aps OffW-ED DS DPS
Lacerator-eth-100ed-corr nosf andy lava peace marrow 2 33.5 1.5 350 9 3.51 680 44.2 17848
Lacerator-eth nosf andy lava peace marrow 2 33.5 1.5 250 9 3.51 680 44.2 13882
Lacerator-eth nosf andy lava fort marrow 2 33,5 1.5 250 9 3.51 880 10 13305
Lacerator nosf veil lava fort marrow 2 33.5 1 250 10 3.16 965 44.2 11372
Lacerator nosf andy lava peace marrow 2 33.5 1 250 9 3.51 680 44.2 9255
Although this time much easier to hit max speed, this weapon is held back by its low base dmg. At the very high end it is also limited by the lack of sockets. Overall a merc with this weapon will not deal much damage by himself and AD must be of very value for your character to make this reasonable. However at the lower end its damage is comparable with gavel of pain and might be the more reliable alternative.


Beast has an advantage, that i neglected, which is a %AR bonus. Its usefullness is situational, but my guess is, that i undervalue the DPS by about 10%, keep that in mind. It matches well with characters that deal physical damage, even better with slow weapons, that fanatism can speed up. To mind come summoners or a bowa zon. Regarding the base the best set up i found favors an eth ettin axe. It is also easier to obtain than a beserker axe. Here is the detailed table for everybody to check.
Name Bonus base eth Weapon Ed Min Max fpa aps OffW-ED DS DPS
Beast-Ettin-eth fort nosf gore gravepalm gulli-cham 2 49.5 1.5 260 9 3.51 1030 58 33490
Beast-Ettin-eth fort TOBelt gore gravepalm gulli-15ias 2 49.5 1.5 260 9 3.51 1030 48 31371
Beast-BA-eth fort gulli marrow nosf grave 2 47.5 1.5 260 9 3.51 1030 43 29086
Beast-Ettin-eth peace TOBelt gore draculs gulli-15ias 2 49.5 1.5 260 9 3.51 910 47.5 27945
Beast-Ettin-eth peace grave nosf marrow gulli-15ias 2 49.5 1.5 260 9 3.51 830 57.25 27432
Beast-Ettin-eth peace nosf marrow lava delirium 2 49.5 1.5 260 9 3.51 900 44.2 27049
Beast-Ettin-eth fort TOBelt gore andy ogre 2 49.5 1.5 260 9 3.51 1110 15 26102
Beast-Thunder-eth fort nosf andy lava marrow 1 106.5 1.5 260 9 3.51 1030 10 25082
Beast-Thunder-eth peace nosf andy lava marrow 1 106.5 1.5 260 9 3.51 830 32.5 24866
Beast-BA-eth peace gulli marrow nosf grave 2 47.5 1.5 260 9 3.51 830 47.5 24692
Beast-Ettin-eth fort TOBelt gore sigon gloves/helm 2 49.5 1.5 260 9 3.51 1030 15 24376
Beast-champ-eth fort nosf gulli-15ias marrow grave 1 76.5 1.5 260 9 3.51 830 43 19277
Beast-champ-eth fort nosf gulli-cham gore lava 1 76.5 1.5 260 9 3.51 830 40 18872
Beast-champ-eth fort nosf andy-cham grave gore 1 76.5 1.5 260 9 3.51 830 33 17929
Building around beast is kind of weird, because like grief it already offers so much, that the usual BIS items are not needed and then i realized, that there isn't much to fill the gaps. Beast adds a lot of off-weapon ed and speed. Thus the only dps stat to look out for, that is left, is DS. This makes peace or gravepalm quite good options. Thundermaul needs 52 additional ias to reach max speed, which is reached straight forward with andy nosf and lava. Note that beast already has %AR increase and lava gout looses a bit of its edge, draculs or loh come to mind as alternatives. An ettin axe needs 25 additional ias to reach max speed, which is 20ias from gloves or belt and a 15ias jewel. Or one could use one of the two low lvl sets: sigon gloves and helm add a good amount of flat ar that synergies well with fana, or deaths set gloves and belt for some res. Or an andy could be used to open up some slots for defensive options. A BA needs 4 more ias, which is much less than an ettin axe. But ias up to about 50 is so easy to come by, that this isn't much of an advantage. It leaves a lot of room to mix and match, but finding solutions for all slots without ias is kind of challenging. In the end its almost the same set up as for ettin, but with less damage and an expensive base. I also added a champion axe for scale.


Mostly used on act2 mercs, but now available through the addition of axes on act5 and not much discussed. This might add some defense, that this merc naturally lacks.
Name Bonus base eth Weapon Ed Min Max fpa aps OffW-ED DS DPS
Doom-BA-eth peace lava nosf andy2s-30ias marrow 2 47.5 1.5 350 9 3.51 730 62.2 30291
Doom-BA-eth fort lava nosf andy2s-30ias marrow 2 47.5 1.5 350 9 3.51 930 30 30128
Doom-BA-eth lava nosf marrow fort gulli 2 47.5 1.5 350 10 3.16 880 45 28775
Doom-Ettin-eth peace lava nosf andy marrow 2 49.5 1.5 350 10 3.16 730 62.2 28410
Doom-Ettin-eth fort lava nosf andy marrow 2 49.5 1.5 350 10 3.16 930 30 28256
Doom-BA-eth lava nosf marrow fort veil 2 47.5 1.5 350 10 3.16 965 30 28036
Doom-BA-eth lava nosf marrow peace delirium 2 47.5 1.5 350 10 3.16 730 62.2 27262
Doom-BA-eth duri lava nosf andy2s-30ias gore 2 47.5 1.5 350 9 3.51 730 45 27079
Doom-BA-eth sigon helm/glove string gore fort 2 47.5 1.5 350 10 3.16 880 30 25799
When built into an eth BA it is already quite close to the 75 break point, with its 45 native ias. Which makes it easy to reach reasonable speeds. Also using andy makes reaching max speed possible, for everything else 30ias and some utility will do it. Another nice feature of doom is its +2all skills, which, with another +2all skills from helmet, makes peace really shine and comparable to the damage of fortitude. Doom will allow for a well-rounded build, enabling the highest might aura-lvl one can achieve with this merc. Its damage is also not to far from the other options.


Can now be build into a one-handed weapon, while formerly only two-handed swords were possible, thats about a 10% dmg buff. Its damage is ok, but it's the cheapest ("only" vex and gul) of the high end rune words. Like grief, it can be reused on an actual character. It also offers some defensive utility in the form of glacial spike procs, turning it into a low-cost doom. It also has great amounts of crushing blow, but mercs get shred by bosses (prime-evil tag), where it could shine, which makes it kind of anti-synergistic.
Name Bonus base eth Weapon Ed Min Max fpa aps OffW-ED DS DPS
Death-BA-eth grave nosf veil fort marrow 2 47.5 1.5 300 11 2.87 915 78 29564
Death-BA-eth ogre nosf gulli fort marrow 2 47.5 1.5 300 11 2.87 930 75 29495
Death-BA-eth grave nosf gulli fort marrow 2 47.5 1.5 300 11 2.87 830 93 29371
Death-BA-eth lava nosf andy-15ias fort marrow 2 47.5 1.5 300 10 3.16 830 60 26784
Death-Ettin-eth lava nosf andy-15ias fort marrow 2 49.5 1.5 300 11 2.87 880 60 26739
Death-Ettin-eth grave nosf veil-15ias fort marrow 2 49.5 1.5 300 13 2.43 915 78 26069
Death-BA-eth ogre nosf gulli duri gore 2 47.5 1.5 300 11 2.87 730 90 25805
Death-Ettin-eth lava nosf andy treachery marrow 2 49.5 1.5 300 10 3.16 680 60 23410
The set up with treachery and an ettin axe is not to far of the other options, which makes a great budget-medium build.


It is just not great on act5 mercs. The good news is it also does not go to waste, because it be reused by players. It is a little bit more expensive than death, but i think both are comparable. Its utility features are life leech, which will make the merc tankier, some stats (unfortunately vit and dex are pretty much wasted, turning it into 30offW-ed) and a nice amount of ias.
Name Bonus base eth Weapon Ed Min Max fpa aps OffW-ED DS DPS
Botd-BA-eth grave gulli-15ias nosf fort marrow 2 47.5 1.5 315 10 3.16 860 43 25637
Botd-Thunder-eth grave gulli-15ias nosf fort marrow 1 106.5 1.5 315 12 2.63 860 43 23950
Botd-BA-eth lava andy-15ias nosf fort marrow 2 47.5 1.5 315 9 3.51 910 10 23053
Botd-Thunder-eth lava andy2s-30ias nosf fort marrow 2 47.5 1.5 315 10 3.16 910 10 20748
Botd-Thunder-eth lava nosf gulli fort marrow 2 47.5 1.5 315 11 2.87 860 25 20373
A non-eth headstriker already comes dangerously close, as well as a non-eth schaefers. A well rolled oath will have all the same advantages, minus the life leech. Id favor death or oath over botd.

Equipment overview

Ill shortly summarize the best options i found while doing the comparisons.


  • Veil of steel for its +1all skill, offweapon-ed and res.
  • Andariels visage for its +2all skill, LL and ias, which is sometimes mandatory to hit some break points.
  • Gulliams face for its 15DS, which is great on all physical attackers, but mercs especially, because they lack the amu slot and skills.
I found that all three are about equally good, if one was chosen over the other, it required gear changes and in the end each set up ended up with about the same damage. The helm slot is also very good for a cham-rune. This can open the boot slot for gore riders.
  • Noteworthy mentions: sigons and halaberd for flat AR. Rockstopper and vamp gaze for %DR. Tal rasha for res and leech. Crown of thieves was nerved. Arreats skills and vit do not work, thus not that great.
  • Special mention goes to delirium. It offers +2all skills like andy, but instead of ias and LL some valuable defensive triggers. The doll transformation would make up for the dmg loss in the helm slot. However right now, if he transforms, he right out stops attacking at all, turning the otherwise awesome transformation into a death sentence. This seems to be bug, maybe it will get fixed (if i would be a mod, this would be the lowest priority)


  • BIS is by far Chains of honor. Every time i wrote fort in the tables you can replace it with CoH and will get the same damage, but more skills, leech and res.
  • Fortitude has great damage, max res, defense (which might actually be a selling point, with conc) and life
  • lionheart is not to far behind fortitude when it comes to off-weapon ED and also has all res. Unfortunately its +vit goes to waste
  • Duriels shell is good, because it opens the boot slot for gores, which is worth 15%DS, it also brings res and life
  • The new shark tooth got up to 35DS, which i realized after writing the guide. This should theoretically be able to beat forti, especially with sockets
  • Each unique armor with some sockets can be brought to the same damage of lion hreat, with some socketed ed jewels. Noteworthy mentions: Gladiators bane for cnbf and dmg reduction. Shaftstop for %DR. Heavenly garb to reduce phys res of undead and some res


  • I found lava gout to be my go to solution. The ias and %AR are just good, LL can be found somewhere else and the fire res pair well with andy.
  • Other than that all gloves with DS and ias are good options: draculs, graveplam, LoH, Ghoulhide or blood-crafts (likely the best slot for crafts)


  • BIS nosferatu. Its ias is very handy and DS is just great.
  • Trang ouls can situational be used for cnbf and string of ears if everything is already in place and some defense is wanted.
  • Other than that, ik belt has some nice resistances and thundergods some light absorb, but id say those are situational


  • BIS is shared between marrow and gore
At a lower budget duri + gore wins against lionheart + marrow (although it's kind of close). Then fort + marrow outdamages this combo. And after that, when cnbf is found on another piece (corruption or cham) its gore again. So, if cnbf can be found somewhere else, then its gore, marrow otherwise
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CampeonUK. Up To £160 + 70 Free Spins. 125%. January 7, 2018. €100. If you’ve won free spins Highest Limit Slot Machine while playing a real-money slot, you have all chances to fatten up your bankroll. Every winning combination you land during free spins generates a real money profit. Jackpot 6000 is a thrilling classic slot machine from NetEnt with a real old-school vibe. You can play with up to 5 paylines active, betting between 1 and 10 coins per spin. It is highly recommended to play with the maximum bet of 10 coins however, as this creates the possibility of triggering Supermeter mode. The most exciting feature of that High Limit slot machine is the twin reels. During each spin, at least two random reels will be cloned, i.e., their symbols will be the same, which will significantly increase the chances of winning. The smallest bet for a spin is $0.25, and the largest one is $125. To get the highest payout, you must play slots with the best odds of winning. Instead of wasting your time trying to figure out which slot machine is ready to pay, just sign up to a best paying slot machines casino. Some players think top payout slot machines are in Las Vegas only, well that is not the case. We have reviewed the best paying Who knows, you might just take that trip to the scenic destination! The slot online has a high RTP of 97.75% and a medium risk of losing. Goblin’s Gold slot machine has five reels and 20 adjustable paylines. The betting range is pretty affordable, the lowest bet of 0.20, and the highest is 5.00. It features a 1,000 non-progressive jackpot that you can win if you land the winning combination on max bet. Likewise, the frequency at which a slot machine pays out highest rewards will also imply that most players will not reach that payout percentage, not even close to what is stated. So, once again, it’s not about how much you will win back on average during your gameplay session, but how profitable the slot machine is for the online or land-based casino. Furthermore, there’s something called Theres a $5000 a spin slot machine in the Aria in las vegas. Source Bovada Bonus Code The High-Limit Slots Salon offers a comfortable respite from the excitement of the resort casino floor, along with four parlors, each with four slot machines, a sofa, and a 55-inch LED television screen. The High-Limit Slots Salon has the following features: Over 100 slot machines. The Guinness World Record for the biggest online slot win is £13.2 million, won by British Jon Heywood in 2015 on the Mega Moolah slot. Elsewhere, an anonymous Australian player scooped a massive $10.4 million (AUS) on the Dark Knight slot, a game which has now been discontinued due to licensing issues. These are not the highest around, but in the Venetian High Limit Slot area, there are $1,000 2 credit machines, and $500 two credit machines.. I saw several people playing the $100 slots there this past weekend. One guy had jackpots on three $25 machines -- all side-by-side -- and then went into the next aisle to try the $100 machines.

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High Limit Slot Machine Max Bet Bonus - 2021 - 1 - YouTube

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what is the highest limit slot machine

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